#Beta App made with Node JS, MongoDB ... Check out the app at https://stark-garden-37299.herokuapp.com/
Omar Farooq, Shiv Toolsidass
- /public - static directories suchs as /images
- /routes - route files for tutorial project
- /views - views for tutorial project
- README.md - this file
- app.js - central app file for tutorial project
- package.json - package info for tutorial project
###Building and running
npm install
npm start
###Whats been done
- Local Authentication and User accounts
- Text index searching to search for books and furniture
- Google API linking for books searching
- Sorting results by Relevance, Price, Condition.
###Whats to be done
(Potentially) A system to authenticate users signing up with their own email
A system to authenticate transactions so that items can be delisted
Implement forgot password functionality
Fix about us page - include how to use URStash page.
Make home page responsive
Enhance book list page
Fix About Us Section to add 'how to use us'
Fix the bookResults page. Create a matching itemResults page.
Implement buy/sell mechanism, and email sending.
404 Page!! Make it cool
Notifications for item sold. (maybe)
Maybe a settings/Profile page for users.
Performace optimization.
Testing and Demoing.