🦉 Custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOM
Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Complete Node.js Bootcamp
Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, …
A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations
Modern Full Stack ECommerce Application with Stripe
Code to accompany "Testing React with Jest and Testing Library" course on Udemy
Blog project with Next.js & Prismic
A Minimal & Beautiful Gatsby Personal Blog Starter With Nice Glassmorphism UI
Simple examples of how to use Framer Motion for page transitions.
Rebuild of Nick Jones' portfolio using principles from the fibonacci series and the golden ratio.
Portfolio website of a photographer. Built with GatsbyJS
A simple intuitive blog built with Next and Storyblok for CMS.
This is a web application that renders information about countries from an API. I made use of react-router building this.
This is a web application that displays information on what is entered in the search bar. Built with React, handled the states with Reducer, the revealing animation with React awesome reveal.
a clone of Dan Abramov's blog website, made with ReactJS and CSS 3.