A plugin for Apache Airflow that exposes rest end points for the Command Line Interfaces
Create the plugins folder if it doesn't exist.
The location you should put it is usually at {AIRFLOW_HOME}/plugins. The specific location can be found in your airflow.cfg file:
plugins_folder = /home/{USER_NAME}/airflow/plugins
Copy the contents of the plugins folder from this repo into the plugins folder you created on the Airflow server.
Restart the Airflow Web Server
Once you deploy the plugin and restart the web server, you can start to use the REST API. Bellow you will see the endpoints that are supported. In addition, you can also interact with the REST API from the Airflow Web Server. When you reload the page, you will see a link under the Admin tab called "Airflow REST API". Clicking on this will take you to the following URL:
This web page will show the Endpoints supported and provide a form for you to test submitting to them.
GET - http://{HOST}:{PORT}/admin/restapi/api/v1.0/trigger_dag
Query Arguments:
dag_id - The DAG ID of the DAG you want to trigger
run_id (Optional) - The RUN ID to use for the DAG run
conf - Some configuration to pass to the DAG you trigger