latex-uestc-thesis Public
This is my thesis for UESTC about vision system and matching method of computer.
TeX The Unlicense UpdatedJun 1, 2017 -
webpack-simple Public
Forked from vuejs-templates/webpack-simpleA simple Webpack + vue-loader setup for quick prototyping.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 6, 2017 -
node-proxy Public
a node-proxy-server for accomplishing cross origin.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 5, 2017 -
videoSpeedUp Public
The script for control speed of video player.
douban-movies-plugin Public
A plugin of Chrome which can add a button over the movies and find download resource for you.
spiderDaguo Public
🐨 A spider about grabing the article from Internet and it running completely follow your hreat.
RSS-feed-spider Public
😺A tool can get the rss-xml format of content, which you want to read it in your RSS reader.
toolKit Public
collecting some useful function in order to rising up efficiency in developing.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 12, 2016 -
dev-openCV Public
record the research of computer vision, which is my last project before graduation.
C UpdatedNov 10, 2016 -
coolSite Public
This is a gather for shudery, save great site, and collect the animation.
HTML UpdatedSep 5, 2016 -
daguoNote Public
A plugin of Chrome browser which can help daguo manage event!
JavaScript UpdatedJul 21, 2016 -
web Public
Recording my way of studying front-end! I always type code after reading some interested demo from book or video
chromePlugin Public
a plugin for chrome to offer some tools, which can help you handle the link to be a target-blank or self
HTML UpdatedJul 1, 2016 -
GUI-electron Public
I am surprised that we can create a GUI app as a JSer, this app store a game.
HTML UpdatedJun 24, 2016 -
baiduFE Public
This is for my team to complete the mission during the Baidu FE studying.
ife Public
Forked from baidu-ife/ifeBaidu Institute of Front-End Technology
JavaScript UpdatedMar 11, 2016 -