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Using ansible for iroha deployment

There are 2 deployment scenarios supported which are implemented as separated playbooks.

  1. iroha-docker-cluster
  2. iroha-standalone-nodes

These playbooks use different roles and inventories. Each role and inventory file is well-documented, sometimes they are referred in the role's README file.

1. Iroha-docker-cluster

1.1 Main ideas

This playbook allows to deploy multiple iroha peers on one node. For example, you want to run 21 nodes of iroha, but you have only 4 hosts that are in the same network. Thus, you might decide that:

  • 8 iroha nodes should be launched on the 1st host (or you can vary amount of iroha nodes per each host).
  • 5 iroha nodes on the 2nd host
  • 4 iroha nodes on the 3rd host
  • 4 iroha nodes on the 4th host Actually, you can run as many iroha peers on one host as you want (but no more that 30 - due to docker networks max amount per host) - this is just the example to show you the flexibility of this playbook.

It works in the following way:

  • [pre-generation phase] - peers.list is generated and stored locally at {{ filesDir }} directory
  • [generation phase] all configs are generated using iroha-cli and also stored at {{ filesDir }}:
    • genesis.block
    • node$KEY.priv
    • node$, where $KEY is a iroha node ID in the P2P network
  • [deliver phase] - config.sample file is generated from the template and delivered to the {{ confPath }} which is set to /opt/docker/iroha/conf$KEY by default. Files from the generation phase are also delivered to these endpoints. Then, docker-compose.yml file is generated and stored at {{ composeDir }}(see section 1.4 of this file) location for each host (nodes amount for each host is set by variable nodes_in_region in playbooks/iroha/group_vars/<group_name>.yml - see inventory/hosts_docker_cluster.list file for more instructions).
  • [deploy phase] all previously launched iroha and postgres containers are stopped and removed using docker-compose down command. After all operations iroha and postgres nodes are started using docker-compose up -d command.

NOTE: During the [deploy phase] one can see the error messages during execution of task stop and remove all docker-compose containers before operations. That means that you don't have launched iroha and postgres containers. This error is handled and will not affect playbook execution.

Let's discuss how it works in details.

1.2 Inventory

iroha-bench1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=0

iroha-bench2 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=8

iroha-bench3 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=13

iroha-bench4 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=17

As you can see, basic host field in group contains hostname, ansible_host <ip>, ansible_user, and key field.

key is a node ID in a iroha network. This value is used for passing only node-specific keypair to the iroha node to start. In this particular playbook this value is used to the start of the count. nodes_in_region is an amount of iroha nodes running on each host. Values key and nodes_in_region are used in the following manner:

  • for host iroha-bench1 we have 8 iroha peers. First peer ID will be key=0, for second key=1, and so on up to key=7
  • for host iroha-bench2 we have another 5 iroha peers. Their IDs will start from 8 to 12.
  • for host iroha-bench3 we want to run 4 iroha peers. Their IDs will start from 13 to 16.
  • for host iroha-bench4 we want to run 4 iroha peers. Their IDs will start from 17 to 20.

nodes_in_region variable could be set at playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/group_vars/<group_name>.yml, or default value from playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/group_vars/all.yml will be used.

1.3 Peer configs

There is no need to describe them as they are generated automatically. Port management is also automated. If you want to see how it works --> you can see roles/iroha-cluster-deploy-node/tasks/ubuntu.yml and templates roles/iroha-cluster-deploy-node/templates/

1.4 Variables to be set

This section provides full list of variables that are used in the playbook.

  • playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/group_vars/all.yml
    • confPath - config files directory on target host
    • filesDir- local directory with files generated by iroha-cli
    • composeDir - docker-compose.yml file location on target
    • torii_port - torii port start value
    • internal_port - iroha port start value
    • nodes_in_region - default 4 nodes of iroha on each target host

If you want everything to work from scratch, these variables should not be changed.

  • roles/iroha-cluster-config-gen/defaults/main.yml
    • filesDir - local directory on localhost where keys and genesis.block files will be stored after pre-generation and generation phases (if you want to change it - do it here, it has higher precedence)
  • roles/iroha-cluster-deploy-node/defaults/main.yml
    • postgresName - docker container name of postgres
    • postgresPort - docker container port exposed by postgres
    • postgresUser - postgres username
    • postgresPassword - postgres password
    • iroha_net - prefix name of docker network
    • containerConfPath - path to folder with config files inside docker container (mount point for docker volume)
    • irohaDockerImage - iroha docker image name
    • irohaDockerImageTag - iroha docker image tag
    • dbDockerImage - image name for postgres
    • dbDockerImageTag - image tag for postgres

1.5 How to launch

After hosts_docker_cluster.list inventory file is configured one could launch the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts_docker_cluster.list playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/iroha-deploy.yml --private-key=~/.ssh/<key>

, where you should specify your SSH key.

NOTE: you might see the tags property defined in the playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/iroha-deploy.yml in

- { role: iroha-cluster-deploy-node, tags: ["deliver", "deploy"] }

Tags are used to separate tasks in case you want to run only few of them without changing the role. In this case, if you exclude "deploy" tag, then only configuration files will be delivered. After that is you run the playbook with only

  - hosts: all
    gather_facts: True
      - { role: iroha-cluster-deploy-node, tags: ["deploy"] }

will allow you to only run iroha nodes without changing the configuration. It is just an option for flexibility, there is no need to use it.

1.6 Requirements

  1. iroha-cli must be installed and could be accessed using PATH variable (e.g. /usr/bin). This is required because keys and genesis.block are generated on your local host and stored in {{ filesDir }} folder.

2. Iroha-standalone-nodes

2.1 Main ideas

This playbook allows to run iroha cluster by delivering previously generated genesis.block, keypair for each node, and config.sample to target hosts (single iroha node for each host). It runs iroha and postgres:9.5 in docker containers.

It works in the following way:

  • [pre-generation phase] - peers.list is generated and stored locally at {{ filesDir }} directory
  • [generation phase] all configs are generated using iroha-cli and also stored at {{ filesDir }}:
    • genesis.block
    • node$KEY.priv
    • node$, where $KEY is a iroha node ID in the P2P network
  • [deliver phase] - config.sample file is generated from the template and delivered to the {{ confPath }} which is set to /opt/docker/iroha/conf by default. Files from the generation phase are also delivered to these endpoints.
  • [deploy phase] all previously launched iroha and postgres containers are stopped and removed, then images are updated using docker pull command and after that iroha and postgres are started using docker run command.

NOTE: During the [deploy phase] one can see the error messages during execution of task Stop and remove previous running docker containers. That means that you have neither launched iroha and postgres containers nor existing docker-compose.yml file. This error is handled and will not affect playbook execution.

Let's discuss how it works in details.

2.2 Inventory

iroha-1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=0
iroha-2 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=1
iroha-3 ansible_host= ansible_user=root key=2

As you can see, basic host field in group contains hostname, ansible_host <ip>, ansible_user, and key field.

key is a node ID in a iroha network. Values key is used in the following manner:

  • for host iroha-1 host peer ID will be key=0
  • for host iroha-2 host peer ID will be key=1
  • the following hosts in the list should increment this value

you can use multiple group of hosts with different names. The only requirement is that value key should be increased throughout the all list on hosts.

2.3 Peer configs

There is no need to describe them as they are generated automaitally. Port management is also automated. If you want to see how it works --> you can see roles/iroha-standalone-deploy-node/tasks/ubuntu.yml and templates roles/iroha-standalone-deploy-node/templates/

2.4 Variables to be set

This section provides full list of variables that are used in the playbook.

  • playbooks/iroha-docker-cluster/group_vars/all.yml
    • confPath - config files directory on target host
    • filesDir- local directory with files generated by iroha-cli
    • torii_port - torii port start value
    • internal_port - iroha port start value

If you want everything to work from scratch, these variables should not be changed.

  • roles/iroha-cluster-config-gen/defaults/main.yml
    • filesDir - local directory on localhost where keys and genesis.block files will be stored after pre-generation and generation phases (if you want to change it - do it here, it has higher precedence)
  • roles/iroha-cluster-deploy-node/defaults/main.yml
    • postgresName - docker container name of postgres
    • postgresPort - docker container port exposed by postgres
    • postgresUser - postgres username
    • postgresPassword - postgres password
    • iroha_net - prefix name of docker network
    • containerConfPath - path to folder with config files inside docker container (mount point for docker volume)
    • irohaDockerImage - iroha docker image name
    • irohaDockerImageTag - iroha docker image tag
    • dbDockerImage - image name for postgres
    • dbDockerImageTag - image tag for postgres

2.5 How to launch

After hosts_standalone_nodes.list inventory file is configured one could launch the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts_standalone_nodes.list playbooks/iroha-standalone-nodes/iroha-deploy.yml --private-key=~/.ssh/<key>

, where you should specify your SSH key.

2.6 Requirements

  1. iroha-cli must be installed and could be accessed using PATH variable (e.g. /usr/bin). This is due to keys and genesis.block is generated on your local host and stored on /tmp/iroha-bench