This is an addon to the Splunk RUM iOS agent that adds crash reporting via PLCrashReporter.
🚧 This project is currently in BETA. It is officially supported by Splunk. However, breaking changes MAY be introduced.
To get started, first follow the instructions to add the SplunkOtel package
to your application, then import this optional crash reporting package into your app,
either through the Xcode menu
File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
or through your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "0.4.0");
.package(url: "", from: "0.4.0");
.target(name: "MyAwesomeApp", dependencies: ["SplunkOtel", "SplunkOtelCrashReporting]),
You'll then need to start the crash reporting after initializing the SplunkRum library:
import SplunkOtel
import SplunkOtelCrashReporting
// Your beaconUrl and rumAuth will be provided by your friendly Splunk representative
SplunkRum.initialize(beaconUrl: "", rumAuth: "ABCD...")
@import SplunkOtel;
@import SplunkOtelCrashReporting;
// Your beaconUrl and rumAuth will be provided by your friendly Splunk representative
[SplunkRum initializeWithBeaconUrl: @"" rumAuth: @"ABCD..." options: nil];
[SplunkRumCrashReporting start]
- This library is compatible with iOS 11 and up (and iPadOS 13 and up)
Please read for instructions on building, running tests, and so forth.
This library is released under the terms of the Apache Softare License version 2.0. See the license file for more details.