- MainLandingPage - Sidd
- CustomerLandingPage - Harshal
- Cart - Vishal
- ClothesCategory - Vishal
- FabricModel - Harshal
- FabricSelection - Harshal
- HomeOnlineVisit - Saurabh
- LoginSignUp - Saurabh
- TailorDashboard - Naresh
- TailorDetails - Naresh
- TailorList - Naresh
- TailorProfileVerification - Vishal
- ThreeDConfigurator - Sidd
- ThreeDMeasurement - Sidd
- Guys Improve your code quality
- Harshal
- Why you removed tailwind config extent variable??
- Use Components properly, keep code clean
- Use img (./client/StichHub/src/assets/MainLandingPage/Icons/3D-Demo.png) in place of 3D Character for time being
- Check your warning in developer tools and resolve it
- loved your commments btw
- Vishal
- install packages in proper directory i.e. ./client/StichHub
- Use components properly, keep code clean
- don't change vite version
- check preview deployment before merging with main branch
- don't use png for background gradient its not proper way
- use proper comment in your code so that other teammate can understand
- keep your assests in the folder properly, and reuse the logos from (./client/StichHub/src/assets/MainLandingPage/logo/)
- Check your warning in ./src/pages/Cart.jsx line 596
- Check your warning in developer tools and resolve it
Vercel Routing Done
Testing Branch