diff --git a/docs/data/sql_functions.yml b/docs/data/sql_functions.yml index dad1dfac25fd7..eda6d3de753d4 100644 --- a/docs/data/sql_functions.yml +++ b/docs/data/sql_functions.yml @@ -1220,8 +1220,10 @@ aggregate: - sql: ROW_NUMBER() description: Assigns a unique, sequential number to each row, starting with one, according to the ordering of rows within the window partition. ROW_NUMBER and RANK are similar. ROW_NUMBER numbers all rows sequentially (for example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). RANK provides the same numeric value for ties (for example 1, 2, 2, 4, 5). - sql: LEAD(expression [, offset] [, default]) + table: lead(expression [, offset] [, default]) description: Returns the value of expression at the offsetth row after the current row in the window. The default value of offset is 1 and the default value of default is NULL. - sql: LAG(expression [, offset] [, default]) + table: lag(expression [, offset] [, default]) description: Returns the value of expression at the offsetth row before the current row in the window. The default value of offset is 1 and the default value of default is NULL. - sql: FIRST_VALUE(expression) table: FIELD.firstValue diff --git a/docs/data/sql_functions_zh.yml b/docs/data/sql_functions_zh.yml index d057df792aa85..d0250acc6f615 100644 --- a/docs/data/sql_functions_zh.yml +++ b/docs/data/sql_functions_zh.yml @@ -1334,8 +1334,10 @@ aggregate: 在窗口分区内根据 rows 的排序为每一行分配一个唯一的序列号,从 1 开始。ROW_NUMBER 和 RANK 相似。ROW_NUMBER 按 顺序对所有行进行编号(例如 1,2,3,4,5)。RANK 为等值 row 提供相同的序列值(例如 1,2,2,4,5)。 - sql: LEAD(expression [, offset] [, default]) + table: lead(expression [, offset] [, default]) description: 返回窗口中当前行之后第 offset 行处的表达式值。offset 的默认值为 1,default 的默认值为 `NULL`。 - sql: LAG(expression [, offset] [, default]) + table: lag(expression [, offset] [, default]) description: 返回窗口中当前行之前第 offset 行处的表达式值。offset 的默认值为 1,default 的默认值为 `NULL`。 - sql: FIRST_VALUE(expression) table: FIELD.firstValue