More info about workflow RO-crate specification can be found in our Workflow-RO-Crate section.
The most convenient way to make a workflow RO-crate at this moment is by making use of WorkflowHub capabilities. The website is able to generate RO-crates based on an uploaded/referenced workflow file and some general metadata that is requested through a form. After the workflow is registered (click here for more info about this topic) it is possible to download the RO-crate with the download button. The generated RO-crate, basically a zip file, will contain these elements:
JSONLD serving machine readable metadata including:- Author
- Contents and structure
- Project
- Original URL
- License
- Publisher
- Date Published
- creativeWorkStatus
- Programming Language
- Based on
The metadata properties are based on the BioSchemas workflow profile .
HTML file
A web page serving the metadata in a human readable way.- Original URL
- Author (creators)
- License
- Contents
Main Workflow file
The workflow file itself if uploaded. -
Main Workflow Diagram (optional)
A diagram visualizing the steps in the workflow if uploaded or generated out of the CWL. -
Main Workflow CWL Description (optional)
This file can be included if supplied by the user.
We are working on a python package at this moment to wrap your own RO-crates. This will allow you to not be bounded by the file limitations of the WorkflowHub website (workflow + CWL abstract and/or diagram), and will make it possible to automate the RO-Crate generation. The python package can be found in this repo.