The Koala Computer Company Limited
- Dublin, Ireland
Angular admin dashboard with material design
Example device tree for an Allwinner device
Implementation of MythTV .25+ Services API for Android
反编译/重编译Android ROM移植MIUI2.3技术 (A disassemble and reassemble Android ROM to port MIUI2.3 technology)
Twitter Bootstrap powered Grails scaffolding templates
Grails plugin for Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resources
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
A shared todo list android application for family members
Linux kernel source for ZTE Blade - The branches of this repository still being actively maintained have been forked to http://www.github.com/CyanogenMod/zte-kernel-msm7x27. This repository will re…
Theme template for T-Mobile Themes that use AOSP drawable's
CyanogenMod 7 Device Setup for ZTE Blade - Abandoned, I'm now working with Tom.
DEPRECATED This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.
[DEPRECATED] Simple information balloon annotation for Android MapView