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File metadata and controls

291 lines (218 loc) · 8.99 KB


The S3 storage handles uploads to Amazon S3 service, using the aws-sdk-s3 gem:

gem "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1.14"

It can be initialized by providing the bucket name and credentials:

require "shrine/storage/s3"

s3 =
  bucket: "my-app", # required
  access_key_id: "abc",
  secret_access_key: "xyz",
  region: "eu-west-1",

The core features of this storage require the following AWS permissions: s3:ListBucket, s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, and s3:DeleteObject. If you have additional upload options configured such as setting object ACLs, then additional permissions may be required.

The storage exposes the underlying Aws objects:

s3.client #=> #<Aws::S3::Client>
s3.client.access_key_id #=> "abc"
s3.client.secret_access_key #=> "xyz"
s3.client.region #=> "eu-west-1"

s3.bucket #=> #<Aws::S3::Bucket> #=> "my-app"

s3.object("key") #=> #<Aws::S3::Object>

Public uploads

By default, uploaded S3 objects will have private visibility, meaning they can only be accessed via signed expiring URLs generated using your private S3 credentials. If you would like to generate public URLs, you can tell S3 storage to make uploads public:

s3 = true, **s3_options)

s3.upload(io, "key") # uploads with "public-read" ACL
s3.url("key")        # returns public (unsigned) object URL


The :prefix option can be specified for uploading all files inside a specific S3 prefix (folder), which is useful when using S3 for both cache and store: "cache", **s3_options)

Upload options

Sometimes you'll want to add additional upload options to all S3 uploads. You can do that by passing the :upload_options option: { acl: "private" }, **s3_options)

These options will be passed to aws-sdk-s3's methods for uploading, copying and presigning.

You can also generate upload options per upload with the upload_options plugin

class MyUploader < Shrine
  plugin :upload_options, store: -> (io, context) do
    if context[:version] == :thumb
      { acl: "public-read" }
      { acl: "private" }

or when using the uploader directly

uploader.upload(file, upload_options: { acl: "private" })

Note that, unlike the :upload_options storage option, upload options given on the uploader level won't be forwarded for generating presigns, since presigns are generated using the storage directly.

URL options

Other than :host and :public URL options, all additional options are forwarded to Aws::S3::Object#presigned_url.

  expires_in: 15,
  response_content_disposition: ContentDisposition.attachment("my-filename"),
  response_content_type: "foo/bar",
  # ...

URL Host

If you want your S3 object URLs to be generated with a different URL host (e.g. a CDN), you can specify the :host option to #url:

s3.url("image.jpg", host: "")
#=> ""

The host URL can include a path prefix, but it needs to end with a slash:

s3.url("image.jpg", host: "") # needs to end with a slash
#=> ""

To have the :host option passed automatically for every URL, use the default_url_options plugin.

plugin :default_url_options, store: { host: "" }

If you would like to serve private content via CloudFront, you need to sign the object URLs with a special signer, such as Aws::CloudFront::UrlSigner provided by the aws-sdk-cloudfront gem. The S3 storage initializer accepts a :signer block, which you can use to call your signer:

require "aws-sdk-cloudfront"

signer =
  key_pair_id:      "cf-keypair-id",
  private_key_path: "./cf_private_key.pem"
) signer.method(:signed_url))
# or -> (url, **options) { signer.signed_url(url, **options) })


The #presign method can be used for generating paramters for direct uploads to Amazon S3:

s3.presign("/path/to/file") #=>
# {
#   url: "",
#   fields: { ... },  # blank for PUT presigns
#   headers: { ... }, # blank for POST presigns
#   method: "post",
# }

Additional presign options can be given in three places:

  • in Storage::S3#presign by forwarding options
  • in :upload_options option on this storage
  • in presign_endpoint plugin through :presign_options

Large files

The aws-sdk-s3 gem has the ability to automatically use multipart upload/copy for larger files, splitting the file into multiple chunks and uploading/copying them in parallel.

By default any files that are uploaded will use the multipart upload if they're larger than 15MB, and any files that are copied will use the multipart copy if they're larger than 150MB, but you can change the thresholds via :multipart_threshold.

thresholds = { upload: 30*1024*1024, copy: 200*1024*1024 } thresholds, **s3_options)

If you want to change how many threads aws-sdk-s3 will use for multipart upload/copy, you can use the upload_options plugin to specify :thread_count.

plugin :upload_options, store: -> (io, context) do
  { thread_count: 5 }


The easiest way to use server-side encryption for uploaded S3 objects is to configure default encryption for your S3 bucket. Alternatively, you can pass server-side encryption parameters to the API calls.

The #upload method accepts :sse_* options:

s3.upload(io, "key", sse_customer_algorithm: "AES256",
                     sse_customer_key:       "secret_key",
                     sse_customer_key_md5:   "secret_key_md5",
                     ssekms_key_id:          "key_id")

The #presign method accepts :server_side_encryption_* options for POST presigns, and the same :sse_* options as above for PUT presigns.

s3.presign("key", server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm: "AES256",
                  server_side_encryption_customer_key:       "secret_key",
                  server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id:     "key_id")

When downloading encrypted S3 objects, the same server-side encryption parameters need to be passed in."key", sse_customer_algorithm: "AES256",
                   sse_customer_key:       "secret_key",
                   sse_customer_key_md5:   "secret_key_md5")"key", sse_customer_algorithm: "AES256",
               sse_customer_key:       "secret_key",
               sse_customer_key_md5:   "secret_key_md5")

If you want to use client-side encryption instead, you can instantiate the storage with an Aws::S3::Encryption::Client instance.

client =
  kms_key_id: "alias/my-key"

Shrine::Storage::S3(client: client, bucket: "my-bucket")

Accelerate endpoint

To use Amazon S3's Transfer Acceleration feature, set :use_accelerate_endpoint to true when initializing the storage: true, **other_options)

Clearing cache

If you're using S3 as a cache, you will probably want to periodically delete old files which aren't used anymore. S3 has a built-in way to do this, read this article for instructions.

Alternatively you can periodically call the #clear! method:

# deletes all objects that were uploaded more than 7 days ago
s3.clear! { |object| object.last_modified < - 7*24*60*60 }

Request Rate and Performance Guidelines

Amazon S3 automatically scales to high request rates. For example, your application can achieve at least 3,500 PUT/POST/DELETE and 5,500 GET requests per second per prefix in a bucket (a prefix is a top-level "directory" in the bucket). If your app needs to support higher request rates to S3 than that, you can scale exponentially by using more prefixes.