Uploadie is my attempt at solving file uploads in Ruby.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'uploadie'
require "uploadie"
require "uploadie/storage/file_system"
require "tmpdir"
Uploadie.storages = {
temporary: Uploadie::Storage::FileSystem.new(Dir.tmpdir),
permanent: Uploadie::Storage::FileSystem.new("uploads", root: "public"),
cache = Uploadie.new(:temporary)
store = Uploadie.new(:permanent)
cached_file = cache.upload(File.open("path/to/image.jpg"))
cached_file #=> Uploadie::File
cached_file.data #=> {"storage" => "temporary", "id" => "avatar/kr92l23nf/image.jpg", "metadata" => {}}
cached_file.url #=> "/var/folders/k7/6zx6dx6x7ys3rv3srh0nyfj00000gn/T/avatar/kr92l23nf/image.jpg"
stored_file = store.upload(cached_file)
stored_file #=> Uploadie::File
stored_file.data #=> {"storage" => "permanent", "id" => "avatar/23alsd05l/image.jpg", "metadata" => {}}
stored_file.url #=> "/uploads/avatar/23alsd05l/image.jpg"
This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
TODO: Heavily inspired by Refile and Roda
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.