- map note length (triggerRelease) to bounce height, see addBody -> sphereRestitution or initContactMaterial restitutionValue param
- rename state variables to store, separate property for UI related variables
- fix Three.js warnings:
- display key signature in UI
- update instrumentMappings to use key of B major instead of C
- balls drop and hit key of 3D piano
- robot drops balls from top of mountain, spinner knocks off balls that do not need to hit 3D piano
- instrument animations mapped to note sequences, ex: flamePhysics.create triggered on FD - FD -- A3F - A3F added to note sequence (use humanKeyAdds array? or buildNoteSequence function)
- different worlds: space, ice mountain, cartoon forest
- full UI implementation
- different iframes / canvas for each instrument type, separate routes with different globals can be used
- support for computer keyboard in addition to MIDI controller
- UI for editable 'instrument - shape - note - keyboard' mapping object
- record and playback audio, import and convert MIDI notes to Tone.js friendly JSON using https://github.com/Tonejs/Midi
- Circular camera animation, movement between scenes (from drum stage back to piano stage)
- frequency visualizer UI dashboard, see: https://threejs.org/examples/webaudio_visualizer.html
- [ ]
- look into using approach from webaudio_timing demo https://threejs.org/examples/#webaudio_timing https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/loaders/AudioLoader https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/webaudio_timing.html#L225
- positional audio spheres (similar to lost-woods): https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/audio/PositionalAudio
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- pipe dream assets - https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/geometries/TubeGeometry
- create asset in Blender for Lil A.I.
- [ ]
- 3d pipe research: mrdoob/three.js#905 https://blog.selfshadow.com/2011/10/17/perp-vectors/ http://pandaqi.com/Games/4-phaser-shapes-and-geometries
- Fix audio quality in recordings, normalize instrument types (drums louder than keyboard), adjust high vs low frequencies
- Keep camera in line with ballX position automatically
- [ ]
- Other shapes besides spheres - each shape has different sound / wave type
- Contact surfaces light up based on note color
- Clean up instrumentMapping template and getters
- Different contact surfaces with different restitution
- new drum machine wheel / metronome paradigm - use rotating clock hand to hit drums: https://codepen.io/danlong/pen/LJQYYN
- AI duet - figure out machineKeyDown timing (use Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat?)
- Web MIDI API support to connect to keyboard
- Dynamically set zPos based on note position in staff (position.z in instrumentMapping getter)
- Fix Fire class and shader import
- Arrow key controls
- support PolySynth in getInstrumentMappingTemplate to allow chords
- variation added for striped balls
- configurable static row positioning of ball array using globalShowStaticRows
- dynamic associatation of keyName with keyMapped options for dropped balls
- set fill styles from instrumentMapping obj instead of THREEx.createPoolBall
- How to drop balls without stacking?