Chaos Mesh is a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environments.
This chart bootstraps a Chaos Mesh deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
Before deploying Chaos Mesh, make sure you have installed the Prerequisites. And then follow the install-by-helm doc step by step.
The following tables list the configurable parameters of the Chaos Mesh chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
clusterScoped |
whether chaos-mesh should manage kubernetes cluster wide chaos.Also see rbac.create and controllerManager.serviceAccount | true |
rbac.create |
true |
timezone |
The timezone where controller-manager, chaos-daemon and dashboard uses. For example: UTC , Asia/Shanghai |
enableProfiling |
A flag to enable pprof in controller-manager and chaos-daemon | true |
controllerManager.hostNetwork |
running chaos-controller-manager on host network | false |
controllerManager.serviceAccount |
The serviceAccount for chaos-controller-manager | chaos-controller-manager |
controllerManager.replicaCount |
Replicas for chaos-controller-manager | 1 |
controllerManager.image |
docker image for chaos-controller-manager | pingcap/chaos-mesh:latest |
controllerManager.imagePullPolicy |
Image pull policy | Always |
controllerManager.nameOverride |
controllerManager.fullnameOverride |
controllerManager.service.type |
Kubernetes Service type | ClusterIP |
controllerManager.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-controller-manager pod | requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" } |
controllerManager.nodeSelector |
Node labels for chaos-controller-manager pod assignment | {} |
controllerManager.tolerations |
Toleration labels for chaos-controller-manager pod assignment | [] |
controllerManager.affinity |
Map of chaos-controller-manager node/pod affinities | {} |
controllerManager.podAnnotations |
Pod annotations of chaos-controller-manager | {} |
controllerManager.allowedNamespaces |
A regular expression, and matching namespace will allow the chaos task to be performed | `` |
controllerManager.ignoredNamespaces |
A regular expression, and the chaos task will be ignored by a matching namespace. Configuring allowedNamespaces at the same time will ignore this configuration. |
`` |
chaosDaemon.image |
docker image for chaos-daemon | pingcap/chaos-mesh:latest |
chaosDaemon.imagePullPolicy |
image pull policy | Always |
chaosDaemon.grpcPort |
The port which grpc server listens on | 31767 |
chaosDaemon.httpPort |
The port which http server listens on | 31766 |
chaosDaemon.env |
chaosDaemon envs | {} |
chaosDaemon.hostNetwork |
running chaosDaemon on host network | false |
chaosDaemon.podAnnotations |
Pod annotations of chaos-daemon | {} |
chaosDaemon.runtime |
Runtime specifies which container runtime to use. Currently we only supports docker and containerd. | docker |
chaosDaemon.socketPath |
Specifies the container runtime socket | /var/run/docker.sock |
chaosDaemon.tolerations |
Toleration labels for chaos-daemon pod assignment | [] |
chaosDaemon.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaosDaemon container | requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" } |
bpfki.create |
Enable chaos-kernel | false |
bpfki.image |
Docker image for chaos-kernel | pingcap/chaos-kernel:latest |
bpfki.imagePullPolicy |
Image pull policy | Always |
bpfki.grpcPort |
The port which grpc server listens on | 50051 |
bpfki.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-kernel container | requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" } |
dashboard.create |
Enable chaos-dashboard | false |
dashboard.serviceAccount |
The serviceAccount for chaos-dashboard | chaos-dashboard |
dashboard.image |
Docker image for chaos-dashboard | pingcap/chaos-dashboard:latest |
dashboard.imagePullPolicy |
Image pull policy | Always |
dashboard.nodeSelector |
Node labels for chaos-dashboard pod assignment | {} |
dashboard.tolerations |
Toleration labels for chaos-dashboard pod assignment | [] |
dashboard.affinity |
Map of chaos-dashboard node/pod affinities | {} |
dashboard.podAnnotations |
Deployment chaos-dashboard annotations | {} |
dashboard.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-dashboard pod | requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" } |
dashboard.persistentVolume.enable |
Enable storage volume for chaos-dashboard. If you are using SQLite as your DB for Chaos Dashboard, it is recommended to enable persistence | false |
dashboard.persistentVolume.existingClaim |
Use the existing PVC for persisting chaos event | `` |
dashboard.persistentVolume.size |
Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume size | 8Gi |
dashboard.persistentVolume.storageClassName |
Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume Storage Class | standard |
dashboard.persistentVolume.mountPath |
Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume mount root path | /data |
dashboard.persistentVolume.subPath |
Subdirectory of Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume to mount | `` |
dashboard.env |
The keys within the env map are mounted as environment variables on the Chaos Dashboard pod |
`` |
dashboard.env.LISTEN_HOST | |
dashboard.env.LISTEN_PORT |
2333 |
dashboard.env.DATABASE_DRIVER |
The db drive used for Chaos Dashboard, support db: sqlite3, mysql | sqlite3 |
The db dsn used for Chaos Dashboard | /data/core.sqlite |
dashboard.ingress.enabled |
Enable the use of the ingress controller to access the dashboard | false |
dashboard.ingress.certManager |
Enable Cert-Manager for ingress | false |
dashboard.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for the dashboard Ingress | {} |
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].name |
Hostname to your dashboard installation | dashboard.local |
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].paths |
Path within the url structure | ["/"] |
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tls |
Utilize TLS backend in ingress | false |
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tlsHosts |
Array of TLS hosts for ingress record (defaults to ingress.hosts[0].name if nil ) |
nil |
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret |
TLS Secret (certificates) | dashboard.local-tls |
prometheus.create |
Enable prometheus | false |
prometheus.serviceAccount |
The serviceAccount for prometheus | prometheus |
prometheus.image |
Docker image for prometheus | prom/prometheus:v2.15.2 |
prometheus.imagePullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
prometheus.nodeSelector |
Node labels for prometheus pod assignment | {} |
prometheus.tolerations |
Toleration labels for prometheus pod assignment | [] |
prometheus.affinity |
Map of prometheus node/pod affinities | {} |
prometheus.podAnnotations |
Deployment prometheus annotations | {} |
prometheus.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for prometheus pod | requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" } |
prometheus.service.type |
Kubernetes Service type | ClusterIP | |
2Gi |
prometheus.volume.storageClassName |
standard |
webhook.certManager.enabled |
Setup the webhook using cert-manager | false |
webhook.FailurePolicy |
Defines how unrecognized errors and timeout errors from the admission webhook are handled | Ignore |
webhook.CRDS |
Define a list of chaos types that implement admission webhook | [podchaos,iochaos,timechaos,networkchaos,kernelchaos] |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example,
# helm 2.X
helm install helm/chaos-mesh --name=chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-testing --set dashboard.create=true
# helm 3.X
helm install chaos-mesh helm/chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-testing --set dashboard.create=true
The above command enable the Chaos Dashboard.
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
# helm 2.X
helm install helm/chaos-mesh --name=chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-testing -f values.yaml
# helm 3.X
helm install chaos-mesh helm/chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-testing -f values.yaml
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml
Cert-manager may be the default in the K8s world for certificate management now.If you want to install Cert-manager using the Helm package manager, please refer to the official documents.
Example for deploy Cert-manager
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v0.13.1
In case you want to using Cert-manager for certificate management, you can use the webhook.certManager.enabled
enabled: true
The webhook's cert and the MutatingAdmissionWebhook's caBundle
property will be managed by the Certificate of Cert-manager.
In case your Cert-manager's option enable-certificate-owner-ref
is true, it means that deleting a certificate resource will also delete its secret.
The Cert-manager's option enable-certificate-owner-ref
refer to the following:
You can install your Cert-manager looks like this.
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v0.13.1 --set extraArgs={"--enable-certificate-owner-ref"="true"}