IdeaVim plugins work like the original Vim plugins. If you want to turn any of them on, you have to enable it via this command in your ~/.ideavimrc
Plug '<plugin-github-reference>'
If you reuse your existing .vimrc
file using source ~/.vimrc
, IdeaVim can parse and enable plugins that are defined
using vim-plug or vundle.
No additional set commands in ~/.ideavimrc
are required.
If you'd like to disable some plugin that's enabled in .vimrc
, you can use set no<extension-name>
in ~/.ideavimrc
. E.g. set nosurround
Available plugins:
Original plugin: vim-easymotion.
- Install IdeaVim-EasyMotion and AceJump plugins.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-easymotion'
set easymotion
All commands with the mappings are supported. See the full list of supported commands.
By Mikhail Levchenko
Original repository with the plugin:
Original plugin: vim-sneak.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'justinmk/vim-sneak'
- Type
and two chars to start sneaking in forward direction - Type
and two chars to start sneaking in backward direction - Type
to proceed with sneaking just as if you were usingf
Original plugin: NERDTree.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'preservim/nerdtree'
Plug ''
Plug 'nerdtree'
set NERDTree
Original plugin: vim-surround.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-surround'
set surround
Original plugin: vim-multiple-cursors.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-multiple-cursors'
set multiple-cursors
At the moment, the default key binds for this plugin do not get mapped correctly in IdeaVim (see VIM-2178). To enable the default key binds, add the following to your .ideavimrc
" Remap multiple-cursors shortcuts to match terryma/vim-multiple-cursors
nmap <C-n> <Plug>NextWholeOccurrence
xmap <C-n> <Plug>NextWholeOccurrence
nmap g<C-n> <Plug>NextOccurrence
xmap g<C-n> <Plug>NextOccurrence
xmap <C-x> <Plug>SkipOccurrence
xmap <C-p> <Plug>RemoveOccurrence
" Note that the default <A-n> and g<A-n> shortcuts don't work on Mac due to dead keys.
" <A-n> is used to enter accented text e.g. ñ
" Feel free to pick your own mappings that are not affected. I like to use <leader>
nmap <leader><C-n> <Plug>AllWholeOccurrences
xmap <leader><C-n> <Plug>AllWholeOccurrences
nmap <leader>g<C-n> <Plug>AllOccurrences
xmap <leader>g<C-n> <Plug>AllOccurrences
By Daniel Leong
Original plugin: commentary.vim.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-commentary'
Plug 'tcomment_vim'
set commentary
By igrekster
Original plugin: ReplaceWithRegister.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister'
Plug 'ReplaceWithRegister'
Plug ''
Plug 'inkarkat/vim-ReplaceWithRegister'
Plug 'vim-ReplaceWithRegister'
Plug ''
set ReplaceWithRegister
Original plugin: argtextobj.vim.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim'
Plug ''
Plug 'argtextobj.vim'
Plug ''
set argtextobj
By default, only the arguments inside parenthesis are considered. To extend the functionality
to other types of brackets, set g:argtextobj_pairs
variable to a comma-separated
list of colon-separated pairs (same as VIM's matchpairs
option), like
let g:argtextobj_pairs="(:),{:},<:>"
. The order of pairs matters when
handling symbols that can also be operators: func(x << 5, 20) >> 17
. To handle
this syntax parenthesis, must come before angle brackets in the list.
By fan-tom
Original plugin: vim-exchange.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'tommcdo/vim-exchange'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'tommcdo/vim-exchange'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-exchange'
set exchange
By Alexandre Grison
Original plugin: vim-textobj-entire.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-entire'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'kana/vim-textobj-entire'
Plug 'vim-textobj-entire'
Plug ''
set textobj-entire
By KostkaBrukowa
Original plugin: vim-highlightedyank.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-highlightedyank'
set highlightedyank
If you want to optimize highlight duration, assign a time in milliseconds:
let g:highlightedyank_highlight_duration = "1000"
A negative number makes the highlight persistent.
If you want to change background color of highlight you can provide the rgba of the color you want e.g.
let g:highlightedyank_highlight_color = "rgba(160, 160, 160, 155)"
If you want to change text color of highlight you can provide the rgba of the color you want e.g.
let g:highlightedyank_highlight_foreground_color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)"
Original plugin: vim-paragraph-motion.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'dbakker/vim-paragraph-motion'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'dbakker/vim-paragraph-motion'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-paragraph-motion'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-scripts/Improved-paragraph-motion'
Plug 'Improved-paragraph-motion'
set vim-paragraph-motion
By Shrikant Sharat Kandula
Original plugin: vim-indent-object.
- Add the following command to
:Plug 'michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object'
Alternative syntax
Plugin 'michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object'
Plug ''
Plug 'vim-indent-object'
set textobj-indent
By Martin Yzeiri Original plugin: matchit.vim.
- Add the following command to
:packadd matchit
Alternative syntax
Plug 'vim-matchit'
Plug 'chrisbra/matchit'
set matchit
Original plugin: quick-scope.
- Install IdeaVim-Quickscope plugin.
- Add the following command to
:set quickscope
Original plugin: vim-which-key.
- Install Which-Key plugin.
- Add the following command to
:set which-key
By Julien Phalip
Original plugin: vim-peekaboo.
Add set peekaboo
to your ~/.ideavimrc
file, then run :source ~/.ideavimrc
or restart the IDE.
By Julien Phalip
Add set functiontextobj
to your ~/.ideavimrc
file, then run :source ~/.ideavimrc
or restart the IDE.
By Julien Phalip
Original plugin: switch.vim.
Add set switch
to your ~/.ideavimrc
file, then run :source ~/.ideavimrc
or restart the IDE.