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ZBar Android SDK

ZBar Bar Code Reader is an open source software suite for reading bar
codes from various sources, such as video streams, image files and raw
intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128,
Code 93, Code 39, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, QR Code and
DataBar. These are the JNI wrappers for developing the library on
Android platform.

Check the ZBar home page for the latest release, mailing lists, etc.

Copyright and License
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1.

Copyright 2008-2012 © Jeff Brown <[email protected]> et al

The Android distribution also includes pre-compiled binaries of
supporting libaries, for which copyright, license and source code
locations are as follows:
  * The GNU libiconv character set conversion library
    Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This distribution includes GNU libiconv version 1.14, licensed under
    the LGPL version 2.  The source code is available from

See included files COPYING and LICENSE for details.


After downloading the ZBar-Android-Lib-<version>.zip file, you need to
unzip the file and add it to your Android project. Unzip the file
using your favorite method (ie: command-line, finder, windows

Follow one of the two options.
Option 1 - via command line
  cd <android project>
  cp -r ZBar-Android-SDK-<version>/libs .

Option 2 - via Eclipse
  Right click on Android Project
  Select "Import" -> "File System"
  Select "Browse" (next to "From directory File" and select the
    ZBar-Android-SDK-<verion>/libs directory and click "Open".
  Click the check box next to "libs" and the "Options" "Create top-level folder"
  check box (below).
  Then click "Finish".
  You should then see a "libs" folder under your project.


Via Eclipse
You have to add the zbar.jar file to your build path
  1) select zbar.jar under libs
  2) right-click, select "Build Path" -> "Add to Build Path"
Via command-line
You are all set; ant will automatcially find jar files under the "libs"



You should be able to open and build the examples directly from the
unzipped directory. You will need to run the android tools to setup
the file which sets sdk.dir.
  1) cd <unzip dir>/examples/CameraTest
  2) android update project --path .
  3) ant debug install

If you have problems with this, please create a new Android project
and copy the necessary files from the examples.

examples/CameraTest is a simple demonstration of how to integrate the
ZBar image scanner with the camera.

Manually building ZBar JNI library
First download and unzip the iconv library source from

Then kick off the build from the ZBar android directory. You will
need to run the android tools to setup the file which
setups sdk.dir.

  1) cd <zbar project>/android
  2) android update project --path . 
  3) ant -Dndk.dir=<NDK path> -Diconv.src=<iconv library src> zbar-all

This will rebuild all source files, create zbar.jar and file (which bundles the jar and shared
libraries). From here, you can follow the steps for "Integrating ZBar
JNI library in Android project".

To clean run:
  ant -Dndk.dir=<NDK path> zbar-clean

See build-ndk.xml for additional target options.