This project is aimed to play around the RDP protocol and not for business use.
- Supports credssp auth via NTLM/Kerberos.
- Built-in proxy client allows SOCKS/HTTP proxy tunneling without 3rd part software
- PtH via CredSSP+Restricted admin mode
- Scriptable Keyboard, Mouse input and CLIPBOARD input/output
- Can run in headless mode, no GUI required
Basic RDP client running on top of QT5. Can copy-paste text, handles keyboard and mouse.aardpscreenshot
RDP ?screenshotter? scans the given target/s or network ranges for open RDP clients, tries to log in either with or without credentials and takes a screemshotaardpcapscan
RDP login capability scanner identifies the supported login protocols on a target or network ranges.
As usual the scripts take the target/scredentials in URL format. Below some examples
rdp+kerberos-password://TEST\Administrator:[email protected]/?dc=
) auth using Kerberos auth + password viasocks5
, the domain controller (kerberos service) is at10.10.10.2
. The socks proxy is on127.0.0.1:1080
rdp+ntlm-password://TEST\Administrator:[email protected]
) auth using NTLM auth + password connecting to RDP server10.10.10.103
) auth using Pass-the-Hash (NTLM) auth connecting to RDP server10.10.10.103
- Citronneur's
. The decompression code and the QT image magic was really valuable.
- installing in venv will require installing Qt5 outside of venv, then installing 'wheel' and 'vext.pyqt5' in the venv via pip first. then install pyqt5 in the venv
- installing Qt5 can be a nightmare
- generally on ubuntu you can use
apt install python3-pyqt5
before installingaardwolf
and it will (should) work