All of my algorithmic programming competition code and preparation code.
Algorithmic programming is competitive programming where problems are solved by combining a variety of algorithms and techniques.
- Most files have a link at the top, pointing to the problem
- USACO is a prestigious competition which can lead to qualification to the US national team at IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics)
- USACO files are coded by the letter 'U' + another letter signifying the level. 'B' = Bronze, 'S' = Silver, 'G' = Gold, 'P' = Platinum
- PClassic is a biannual competition hosted by UPenn with a Novice and a Standard division
- ACC is just my school competitive coding club, they host a POTW (Problem of the Week) for friendly competition and practice
- Bronze 2021 December: 970/1000 Promoted to Silver
- Silver 2022 March (US Open): 1000/1000 Promoted to Gold
- Standard 2021 Fall: 18th Place