Sasquach_D1g1talRa1n: I was working on a project and needed a cool background, so a Matrix style digital rain was perfect! I think it looks great.
Sasquach_Naruto: After playing around with a full anime GIF to Flipper conversion, I decided to make my own. Reused the cloud assets from Blaster and added some grass in the foreground. Funny thing about this animation is that if I increase the FPS it looks better on the qFlipper render, but if I leave it where it is, it looks better on the device. I always try to optimize to the device if thats an option.
Sasquach_Blaster: My latest animation. I spent a long time having two separate background layers that did not synchronize. The foreground guy worked perfect to create a loop. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with it!
Sasquach_CloudGoku : This was my first time really making an animation in Photoshop. Used a looping cloud background and an animation loop and motion with keyframes. Learned a lot on this one.
Sasquach_Goku: This was my first straight up anime to Flipper conversion. Couldn't be happier with how it came out. Remarkably easy, I happened to get the contrast and everything first try. I was amazed how smoothly it played on the Flipper to be honest.
Sasquach_RMCF : Kuronons made the OG RogueMaster logo animation and he was so gracious to give me his entire file. I borrowed his lettering and added some really cool sprites. I was originally planning on adding more speech bubbles, but I really wanted to do everything in passive frames. I love this one, I think it really showed that I could hang with some of the OG animators. UPDATED!! Added Goku face at the end to increase animation's "screeenshotability"
Sasquach_SaladFingers: I loved the original Salad Fingers flash animations from the early 2000s, so I made my own animation! Everything was heavily edited in photoshop. The first loop of Salad Fingers in the bed loops with passive frames, then the second half of the animation plays with a keypress. It's got some rough edges and it loads a little slower (must not have optimized the original PNGs) but the speech bubbles really work great!
Sasquach_StickFight : MY FIRST ANIMATION!!! The first time I made it, it was mostly a proof of concept but it came out so cool that RogueMaster added it to his nightly build. The original had over 100 frames and basically killed the CPU in the process of playing it. I've got it toned down a lot and it runs great. I might revisit this one and do a remaster, but this is the animation that started it all!!
Axolotl: Had a request to make an Axolotl animation so here it is!:!