- Verification of DKIM signatures (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6376)
- No boolean result: Additional detection of DKIM security pitfalls
- DKIM has user-configurable parameters that can make a valid DKIM signature pretty useless and this library strives to point out this misconfigured signatures
- More info: #10
- DMARC Alignment Policy Verification
- additionally checks if the DMARC DKIM Alignment policy is correct for valid DKIM signatures
- Supports DNSSEC via libunbound (and in theory with dnssd)
- Includes a command line tool: DKIMVerifierTool with extensive output
public func verifyDKIMSignatures(
dnsLoopupTxtFunction: @escaping DNSLookupFunctionType, email_raw: String,
verifyDMARCAlignment: Bool = false
-> DKIMResult
- dnsLookupTxtFunction: should return txt value for specific domain
- mail: RFC5322 Message as raw string
- verifyDMARCAlignment: additional verify DMARC DKIM Alignment for valid signatures (default: false)
- status: an overall status, Valid or Insecure if any of the dkim signatures in the mail returned this result
- signatures: the individual signature results, good to check for DKIM Risks if the overall result is only Valid_Insecure
- emailFromSender: the extracted email from the From: mail header field
- extractedDomainFromSender: the extracted domain from the From: mail header field, used for the DKIM SDID and DMARC alignment checks
- DMARCResult: the dmarc info and alignment check info if requested via verifyDMARCAlignment
public struct DKIMResult: Equatable {
public var status: DKIMStatus
public var signatures: [DKIMSignatureResult]
public var emailFromSender: String?
public var extractedDomainFromSender: String?
public var extractedDomainFromSenderIdnaEncoded: String?
public var dmarcResult: DMARCResult?
public struct DKIMSignatureResult: Equatable {
public var status: DKIMSignatureStatus
public var info: DKIMSignatureInfo?
public var dnsInfo: DKIMSignatureDNSInfo?
public var validatedWithDNSSEC: Bool = false
public enum DKIMSignatureStatus: Equatable {
case Valid
case Insecure(Set<DKIMRisks>)
case Error(DKIMError)
public enum DKIMRisks: Hashable, Equatable {
/// third-party signature, DKIM specified domain is not a subdomain or equal to From: E-Mail-Header
case SDIDNotInFrom(sdid: String, fromDomain: String)
/// The DKIM RFC only requires the From: field to be signed, but more fields are recommend else manipulation possible
/// Subject, Content-Type, Reply-To,... should be signed, see importantHeaderFields
case ImportantHeaderFieldNotSigned(name: String)
/// Using a key size less than LowestSecureKeySize for RSA (default: 2048)
case InsecureKeySize(size: Int, expected: Int)
/// Signature Expiration Parameter is in the past
case SignatureExpired(expirationDate: Date)
/// could not validate dns requests with DNSSEC
case ValidatedWithoutDNSSEC
// Not accepted as a risk anymore (high risk, not used)
// -> Ignored in body hash validation, error on additional content
// case UsingLengthParameter // only verified to a specific body length
// Not accepted as a risk anymore (RFC8301) -> Error
// case UsingSHA1 // insecure hashing algorithm
public enum DMARCStatus: Equatable {
case validDKIMIdentifierAlignment
case Error(DMARCError)
public struct DMARCResult: Equatable {
public var status: DMARCStatus
public var fromSenderDomain: String
public var validDKIMDomains: [String]
public var validatedWithDNSSEC: Bool
public var entry: DMARCEntry?
public var foundPolicyDomain: String?
public var validDomain: String?
python3 -m pip install dkimpy
npm install -g mailauth
./Tools/gen_oracle_reports.sh ../../emails 50 > oracle_log.csv
./Tools/analyze_oracle_report.py oracle_log.csv