A module for combing the functionality of defacto-forms with defacto-res.
;; deps.edn
{:deps {skuttleman/defacto-forms+ {:git/url "https://github.com/skuttleman/defacto"
:git/sha "{SHA_OF_HEAD}"
:deps/root "forms+"}}}
(ns killer-app.core
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[defacto.core :as defacto]
[defacto.forms.core :as forms]
[defacto.forms.plus :as forms+]
[defacto.resources.core :as res]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn request-fn [_resource-key params]
;; ... fulfills request
[::res/ok {:some "result"}]))
(def store (defacto/create (res/with-ctx request-fn) {}))
(defn input [form+ path]
[:input {:value (get-in (forms/data form+) path)
:on-change (fn [_]
(defacto/emit! store [::forms/changed [::forms+/std [::my-res-spec 123]]
(-> e .-target .-value)]))}])
(defn app []
(r/with-let [sub (store/subscribe [::forms+/:form+ [::forms+/std [::my-res-spec 123]]])]
(let [form+ @sub] ;; a `form+` is a `form` AND a `resource`
(if (res/requesting? form+)
[:div "loading..."]
[input form+ [:input-1]]
[input form+ [:input :two]]
[:button {:on-click (fn [_]
(defacto/dispatch! store [::forms+/submit! [::forms+/std [::my-res-spec 123]]
{:additional :input}]))}
(defacto/emit! store [::forms+/destroyed]))))
;; a `form+` is wrapper around a normal defacto resource spec
(defmethod res/->request-spec ::my-res-spec
[[_ id] {::forms/keys [data] :keys [additional] :as params}]
;; `id` is 123 (from the above usage)
;; ::forms/data is the current value of the form (i.e. {:input-1 "foo" :input {:two "bar"}})
;; `params` contains other params passed to ::forms+/submit!
{:params {:req :params} ;; this is what will be passed to `request-fn`
:ok-events [...]})
;; when the resource "succeeds", the form+ is reset back it its initial state by default. Override that by extending forms+/re-init
(defmethod forms+/re-init ::my-res-spec
[_resource-key form _res-result-data]
(forms/data form)) ;; retains the form data that was submitted
The above example uses ::forms+/std
, but there is also ::forms+/valid
which will do local validation before submitting
the form. In order to use this form, you must extend forms+/validate
(defmethod forms+/validate ::my-res-spec
[_resource-key form-data]
;; return `nil` when the form is VALID
;; any non-`nil` value is treated as INVALID
{:key ["something is wrong"]})
;; now change the form-key in the above example to use `::forms+/valid` instead of `::forms+/std`
(defacto/subscribe [::forms+/:form+ [::forms+/valid [::my-res-spec 123]]])
;; if the form is invalid, the resource will not be submitted, and instead will fail with:
;; {::forms/errors return-val-from-validate} to distinguish
(res/payload @(defacto/subscribe [::forms+/:form+ [::forms+/valid [::my-res-spec 123]]]))
;; {::forms/errors {:key ["something is wrong"]}}
This module exposes the following commands
Submits the underlying resource with the current form data.
(defacto/dispatch! store [::forms+/submit! [::forms+/valid [::my-res-spec 123]]])
This module exposes the following queries
@(defacto/subscribe store [::forms+/?form+ [::forms+/valid [::my-res-spec 123]]])
This module exposes the following events
Re-initializes a form+
after a successful submission. Not intended to be used directly
Destroys the form+
(i.e. the underlying form
and resource
(defacto/emit! store [::forms+/destroyed [::forms+/std [::my-res-spec 123]]])