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BookInfo Example

This example demonstrates how an application like Istio BookInfo can be deployed using Skyshift This test uses two k8s clusters:

  • Cluster1 : A Product-Page microservice (application frontend) and details microservice run on the first cluster, which is used as frontend.
  • Cluster2 : A Reviews-V2 (display rating with black stars) and Rating microservices run on the second cluster, used as backend.
  1. Start Skyshift using the commands listed in

  2. Add the first cluster to Skyshift

    Optionally, Create and configure KIND cluster

    kind create cluster --name=cluster1

    Next, enable MetalLB to provision loadbalancer for creating service with external IP, since this will be a frontend cluster

    kubectl apply -f

    Check the status of the MetalLB pods using the following command, and wait until they are in running state

    kubectl get pods -n metallb-system

    Once the pods are in running state, apply the following configuration.

    sleep 5
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: IPAddressPool
        name: kind-pool
        namespace: metallb-system
            -  # Choose an IP range that doesn't conflict with your local network
    kind: L2Advertisement
        name: kind-advertisement
        namespace: metallb-system

    Finally, add this cluster to Skyshift with label as frontend.

    skyctl create cluster --manager k8 kind-cluster1 --labels type frontend
  3. Now, add the second cluster to Skyshift with label as backend Optionally, Create KIND cluster

    kind create cluster --name=cluster2
    skyctl create cluster --manager k8 kind-cluster2 --labels type backend
  4. Submit the jobs productpage and details microservice to Skyshift

    export SKYSHIFT=<Path to cloned Skyshift directory>
    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/productpage.yaml
    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/details.yaml

    Verify if the jobs are in running state and scheduled in kind-cluster1

    $ skyctl get jobs
    ⠙ Fetching jobs
    details-v1   kind-cluster1  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   12s
                                            memory: 128.00 MB
    productpage  kind-cluster1  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   18s
                                            memory: 128.00 MB
    ✔ Fetching jobs completed successfully.
  5. Create a service for the jobs

    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/productpage_service.yaml 
    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/details_service.yaml 
  6. Deploy reviews and ratings microservice in cluster2

    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/ratings.yaml
    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/reviews.yaml

    Ideally, now the jobs must be running in the clusters similar to below output, productpage, and details-v1 are scheduled in kind-cluster1, while ratings-v1, and reviews-v2 are scheduled in kind-cluster2

        $ skyctl get jobs
        ⠙ Fetching jobs
        NAME         CLUSTER        REPLICAS    RESOURCES          NAMESPACE    STATUS    AGE
        details-v1   kind-cluster1  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   14m
                                                memory: 128.00 MB
        productpage  kind-cluster1  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   15m
                                                memory: 128.00 MB
        ratings-v1   kind-cluster2  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   47s
                                                memory: 128.00 MB
        reviews-v2   kind-cluster2  1/1         cpus: 7.0          default      RUNNING   15s
                                                memory: 128.00 MB
        ✔ Fetching jobs completed successfully.
  7. Create a link between the two clusters

    skyctl create link -s kind-cluster1 -t kind-cluster2 clink
  8. Now, we create reviews service in cluster1, so that it is accessible to productpage.

    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/ratings_service.yaml
    skyctl apply -f $SKYSHIFT/examples/bookinfo-demo/reviews_service.yaml

    At this point it uses clusterlink to import the reviews service from cluster2

  9. Now, we can try to access the productpage frontend application using

    export FRONTEND_IP=`kubectl get svc productpage --context kind-cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'`

    open http://$FRONTEND_IP/productpage in browser, and you should be able to view the rating/reviews of the book as shown below.

Bookinfo demo 10) Finally, Cleanup
