- Create WEB-INF dir if if doesn't exist when starting the server
- It seems like the core-handler used by GaeshiDevServlet is not being reloaded by fresh
- '_ah/admin/backends' and _ah/admin/inboundmail routes aren't working
- generate sample model, controller, view with specs
- spec_helpers/controller must record all views rendered in addition to the last.
- the devserver should run a repl server
- need to resolve conflict with hiccup files. The .clj extension should be removed, and prepare-views task updated to exclude *.clj files.
- Add session clearing cron job to generated project
- Add a away to bypass timestamp updates in the datastore
- Need to address problem where data is not loaded properly when the models haven't been loaded yet.
- Prepare task should run clean to empty classes dir. server task should not clean.