AMQP wrapper for Laravel and Lumen to publish and consume messages especially from RabbitMQ
- Advanced queue configuration
- Add message to queues easily
- Listen queues with useful options
Add the following to your require part within the composer.json:
"bschmitt/laravel-amqp": "1.*"
$ php composer update
$ php composer require bschmitt/laravel-amqp dev-master
Create a config folder in the root directory of your Lumen application and copy the content from vendor/bschmitt/laravel-amqp/config/amqp.php to config/amqp.php.
Adjust the properties to your needs.
return [
'use' => 'production',
'properties' => [
'production' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 5672,
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'vhost' => '/',
'exchange' => 'amq.topic',
'exchange_type' => 'topic',
'consumer_tag' => 'consumer',
'queue_properties' => ['x-ha-policy' => ['S', 'all']],
'exchange_properties' => [],
'timeout' => 0
Register the Lumen Service Provider in bootstrap/app.php:
| Register Service Providers
Open config/app.php and add the service provider and alias:
'Amqp' => 'Bschmitt\Amqp\Facades\Amqp',
Amqp::publish('routing-key', 'message');
Amqp::publish('routing-key', 'message' , ['queue' => 'queue-name']);
Amqp::publish('routing-key', 'message' , ['exchange' => '']);
Amqp::consume('queue-name', function ($message, $resolver) {
Amqp::consume('queue-name', function ($message, $resolver) {
Amqp::consume('queue-name', function ($message, $resolver) {
}, [
'timeout' => 2,
'vhost' => 'vhost3'
- Some concepts were used from
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license