Node-persist doesn't use a database. Instead, JSON documents are stored in the file system for persistence. Because there is no network overhead and your data is just in-memory, node-persist is just about as fast as a database can get. Node-persist uses the HTML5 localStorage API, so it's easy to learn.
This is still a work in progress. Send pull requests please.
$ npm install node-persist
Then in code you can do:
var storage = require('node-persist');
Async example
//you must first call storage.init
//you must first call storage.initSync
storage.init( /* options ... */ );
//then start using it
.then(function() {
return storage.getItem('name')
.then(function(value) {
console.log(value); // yourname
Sync example
//you must first call storage.initSync
//then start using it
console.log(storage.getItemSync('name')); // yourname
$ cd examples/examplename
$ node examplename.js
$ open up localhost:8080
Non-backward changes
- filenames on the file system are now md5 hashed now and the structure of the saved data has changed to include the ttl in them.
- no longer need/support a
, since thettls
are now stored in the same file as each value
Mostly non-backward changes
now returns a promisestorage.valuesWithKeyMatch()
no longer accepts a callbackstorage.values()
no longer accepts a callbackstorage.key()
is gone- The default
is nowprocess.cwd() + (dir || '.node-persist/storage')
, unless you use an absolute path - added
, alias togetItem()
- added
, alias tosetItem()
- added
, as aliases toremoveItem()
- Keys, on the file system are base64 encoded with the replacement of the
This function reads what's on disk and loads it into memory, if the storage dir is new, it will create it
You can pass init()
or initSync()
an options object to customize the behavior of node-persist
These are the defaults
stringify: JSON.stringify,
parse: JSON.parse,
encoding: 'utf8',
logging: false, // can also be custom logging function
continuous: true,
interval: false, // milliseconds
ttl: false, // ttl* [NEW], can be true for 24h default or a number in MILLISECONDS
}, /* optional callback */ ).then(onSuccess, onError); // or use the promise
* With ttl (time to live), it is recommended that you use getItem(key, callback)
or getItemSync(key)
since, if a ttl
of a certain key is expired the key-file is immediately deleted from disk, the callback will execute whenever that happends, if there is no ttl used or it has expired yet, the callback will also immediately execute in a synchronous fashion.
- By default, keys will be persisted after every call of setItem
- If you set an interval, node-persist will persist changed keys at that interval instead of after every call of setItem.
- If you set continuous to false and don't specify an interval, keys aren't persisted automatically, giving you complete control over when to persist them.
like init()
but synchronous,
This function will get a key from your database in memory
// callback
storage.getItem('name', function (err, value) {
// use value here after making sure expired-ttl key deletion has occured, in that case value === undefined
// promise
storage.getItem('obj').then(function(value) {
All synchronous part along with the deletion of an expired-ttl key, if options.ttl
is used
This function sets 'key' in your database to 'value'. It also sets a flag, notifying that 'key' has been changed and needs to be persisted in the next sweep. Because the flag must be set for the object to be persisted, it is best to use node-persist in a functional way, as shown below.
storage.setItem(42,'the answer to life, the universe, and everything.', function(err) {
// done
storage.setItem(42,'the answer to life, the universe, and everything.', {ttl: 1000*60 /* 1 min */ }, function(err) {
// done
var batman = storage.getItem('batman');
batman.sidekick = 'Robin';
// using the promise
storage.setItem('batman', batman).then(
function() {
// success
function() {
// error
* The only option available when calling setItem(key, value, option)
is {ttl: $milliseconds}
* setItem()
is asynchronous, however, depending on your global options, the item might not persist to disk immediately, in the case where you set options.interval
or options.continuous=false
, your (optional) callback or your returned promise from this function will still get resolved immediately, even if the value has not been persisted to disk yet, which could be either waiting for the interval to kick in or for your manual call to persist()
- kind of how the redis
database works.
If you want to immediately persist to disk, regardless of the this.options.interval
and this.options.continuous
settings, use this function. The only option available when calling setItemSync(key, value, option)
is {ttl: $milliseconds}
storage.setItemSync('foo', 'bar');
storage.setItemSync('hello', 'world', {ttl: 1000 * 60 /* ttl 1 minute */})
This function removes key in the database if it is present, and immediately deletes it from the file system asynchronously. If ttl is used, the corrresponding ttl-key is removed as well
storage.removeItem('me', /* optional callback */ function(err) {
// done
}).then(onSuccess, onError); // or use the promise
just like removeItem, but synchronous
This function removes all keys in the database, and immediately deletes all keys from the file system asynchronously.
like clear()
but synchronous
This function returns all of the values in the database in memory.
storage.setItem("batman", {name: "Bruce Wayne"});
storage.setItem("superman", {name: "Clark Kent"});
console.log(storage.values()); //output: [{name: "Bruce Wayne"},{name: "Clark Kent"}]
var values = storage.values();
This function returns all of the values in the database matching a string or RegExp
storage.setItem("batman", {name: "Bruce Wayne"});
storage.setItem("superman", {name: "Clark Kent"});
storage.setItem("hulk", {name: "Bruce Banner"});
console.log(storage.valuesWithKeyMatch('man')); //output: [{name: "Bruce Wayne"},{name: "Clark Kent"}]
// also accepts a Regular Expression
console.log(storage.valuesWithKeyMatch(/man/)); //output: [{name: "Bruce Wayne"},{name: "Clark Kent"}]
var values = storage.valuesWithKeyMatch('man');
this function returns an array of all the keys in the database. This function returns the number of keys stored in the database.
This function returns the number of keys stored in the database.
This function iterates over each key/value pair and executes a callback.
storage.forEach(function(key, value) {
// use key and value
Make sure you set continuous:false
in the options
hash, and you don't set an interval
These function can be used to manually persist the database
storage.persist( /* optional callback */ function(err) {
// when done
}).then(onSuccess, onError); // or you can use the promise
like persist()
but synchronous
Both persist()
, persistSync()
, persistKey()
, and persistKeySync()
will automatically persist the ttl keys/values in the persistance process
This function manually persist a 'key' within the database
storage.persistKey('name', /* optional callback */ function(err) {
// when done
}).then(onSuccess, onError); // or you can use the promise
like persistKey()
but synchronous
If you choose to create multiple instances of storage, you can. Just avoid using the same dir
for the storage location.
You still have to call init
or initSync
after create
- you can pass your configs to either create
or init/Sync
The reason we don't call init
in the constructor (or when you create
) because we can only do so for the initSync
version, the async init
returns a promise, and in order to maintain that API, we cannot return the promise in the constructor, so init
must be called on the instance of new LocalStorage();
var storage = require('node-persist');
var myStorage = storage.create({dir: 'myDir', ttl: 3000});
myStorage.init().then(function() { // or you can use initSync()
// ...
npm install
npm test