Puppet Agent uses beaker for running acceptance tests
Acceptance tests are triggered using rake acceptance
# cd acceptance
# bundle install --path .bundle
# bundle exec rake <command> ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=value
- print listing and explanation of useful environment variables
bundle exec rake help
- print listing of available rake tasks
bundle exec rake -T
- run tests against puppet agent 1.7.0 on agent platform windows 2016 x64, downloaded from builds.delivery.puppetlabs.net, using the latest nightly build of puppet server running on centos 7 x64.
bundle exec rake acceptance:development SHA='1.7.0' TEST_TARGET=windows2016-64a MASTER_TEST_TARGET=centos7-64ma
- run tests against the latest nightly build of puppet agent on the public nightlies build server, using the default platform for agent and server.
bundle exec rake acceptance:development SHA='latest' AGENT_DOWNLOAD_URL='http://nightlies.puppet.com'
- run tests against the released 1.8.0 puppet agent packages on our production repos (ie yum.puppet.com) on the ubuntu 16.04 64-bit platform using the latest puppet server version also in the production repos on the default puppet server test target.
bundle exec rake acceptance:released SHA='1.8.0' TEST_TARGET=ubuntu1604-64a
- SHA=sha (required)
Supply git ref (sha or tag) of packages of this repository to be put under test. Also supports the literal string 'latest' which references the latest build on http://nightlies.puppet.com. If setting SHA to 'latest', you must also set ENV['AGENT_DOWNLOAD_URL'] to http://nightlies.puppet.com.
- BEAKER_HOSTS=config/nodes/foo.yaml
Supply the path to a yaml file in the format of a beaker hosts file containing the test targets, roles, etc., or specify it in a beaker options.rb file.
- TEST_TARGET='beaker-hostgenerator target'
Supply a test target in the form beaker-hostgenerator accepts, e.g. ubuntu1504-64a. Defaults to a constant defined in Rakefile.
- MASTER_TEST_TARGET='beaker-hostgenerator target'
Override the default master test target in the form beaker-hostgenerator accepts, e.g. ubuntu1504-64a. Defaults to a constant defined in Rakefile. This is the platform that Puppet Server will be installed on.
Supply git ref (sha or tag) of Puppet Server to use in testing. If no SERVER_VERSION is provided, the latest nightly build of Puppet Server will be used from http://nightlies.puppet.com. Ignored by
rake acceptance:released
which will install the latest/current version of Puppet Server from the Puppet production repos (ie yum.puppet.com).
- AGENT_DOWNLOAD_URL='http://example.com'
Supply the url of the host serving packages of puppet agent to test matching
. Ignored byrake acceptance:released
which always uses the production Puppet repository urls.Valid values are:
- http://builds.delivery.puppetlabs.net (Puppet internal builds)
- http://nightlies.puppet.com (Puppet public nightly builds)
Default: http://builds.delivery.puppetlabs.net.
- SERVER_DOWNLOAD_URL='http://example.com'
Supply the url of the host serving packages of puppet server to test against packages of puppet agent. Ignored by
rake acceptance:released
which always uses the production Puppet repository urls.Valid values are:
- http://builds.delivery.puppetlabs.net (Puppet internal builds)
- http://nightlies.puppet.com (Puppet public nightly builds)
Default: http://nightlies.puppet.com
- TESTS='path/to/test,and/more/tests'
Supply a comma-separated string (no spaces) of specific test(s) to run. All pre-suites will be run, unless a specific pre-suite file is supplied as the value to this option, in which case test exercise will terminate after the supplied pre-suite file. Relative to 'acceptance' directory.
Example: TESTS='tests/ensure_version_file.rb'
- OPTIONS='--more --options'
Supply additional options to pass to the beaker invocation
Example: OPTIONS='--preserve-hosts=never'
If there is a Beaker options hash in a ./local_options.rb, it will be included. Commandline options set through the above environment variables will override settings in this file.
Running acceptance tests requires packages of the test target SHA have already been built and exist on a download server that beaker can install from. The two most commonly used download urls are http://nightlies.delivery.puppet.net (public) and http://builds.delivery.puppetlabs.net.
TODO A future version of acceptance tests will support building packages of a given SHA locally and then running acceptance tests against those packages.
Puppet Agent does not currently have spec tests