Generic CAS WAR overlay to exercise the latest versions of CAS. This overlay could be freely used as a starting template for local CAS war overlays. The CAS services management overlay is available here.
- JDK 1.8+
The etc
directory contains the configuration files and directories that need to be copied to /etc/cas/config
To see what commands are available to the build script, run:
./ help
To package the final web application, run:
./ package
To update SNAPSHOT
versions run:
./ package -U
Run the CAS web application as an executable WAR.
./ run
Run the CAS web application as an executable WAR via Spring Boot. This is most useful during development and testing.
./ bootrun
Be careful with this method of deployment. bootRun
is not designed to work with already executable WAR artifacts such that CAS server web application. YMMV. Today, uses of this mode ONLY work when there is NO OTHER dependency added to the build script and the cas-server-webapp
is the only present module. See this issue and this issue for more info.
There is an app.server property in the pom.xml that can be used to select a spring boot application server. It defaults to "-tomcat" but "-jetty" and "-undertow" are supported. It can also be set to an empty value (nothing) if you want to deploy CAS to an external application server of your choice and you don't want the spring boot libraries included.
If you are building on windows, try build.cmd instead of Arguments are similar but for usage, run:
build.cmd help
Deploy resultant target/cas.war
to a servlet container of choice.
- -genkeypair 生成密钥
- -keyalg 指定密钥算法,这时指定RSA,
- -keysize 指定密钥长度,默认是1024位,这里指定2048,长一点,我让你破解不了(哈哈...),
- -siglag 指定数字签名算法,这里指定为SHA1withRSA算法
- -validity 指定证书有效期,这里指定36500天,也就是100年,我想我的应用用不到那么长时间
- -alias 指定别名,这里是
- -keystore 指定密钥库存储位置,这里存在d盘
- -dname 指定用户信息,不用一个一个回答它的问题了;
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 36500 -alias -keystore d:/tomcat.keystore -dname ",OU=sunrizetech,O=esaleb,L=GuangZhou,ST=GuangDong,C=CN"
# 输入上述命令,下面密码我们输入 123456,然后一直回车,就在d盘生成了tomcat.keystore文件;
2.导出数字证书 在cmd下输入如下命令:
keytool -exportcert -alias -keystore d:/tomcat.keystore -file d:/tomcat.cer -rfc
cmd到 ${JAVA_HOME}jre\lib\security
keytool -import -alias -keystore %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts -file d:/tomcat.cer -trustcacerts
# 密码为 changeit
keytool -list -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts" | findstr/i server