First, depend on this package:
graphql: ^2.0.0
And then import it inside your dart code:
import 'package:graphql/client.dart';
To connect to a GraphQL Server, we first need to create a GraphQLClient
. A GraphQLClient
requires both a cache
and a link
to be initialized.
In our example below, we will be using the Github Public API. In our example below, we are going to use HttpLink
which we will concatinate with AuthLink
so as to attach our github access token. For the cache, we are going to use InMemoryCache
final HttpLink _httpLink = HttpLink(
uri: '',
final AuthLink _authLink = AuthLink(
getToken: () async => 'Bearer $YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN',
final Link _link = _authLink.concat(_httpLink);
final GraphQLClient _client = GraphQLClient(
cache: InMemoryCache(),
link: _link,
Once you have initialized a client, you can run queries and mutations.
Creating a query is as simple as creating a multiline string:
const String readRepositories = r'''
query ReadRepositories($nRepositories: Int!) {
viewer {
repositories(last: $nRepositories) {
nodes {
Then create a QueryOptions
object with the query string as the document and pass any variables necessary.
In our case, we need pass nRepositories
variable and the document name is readRepositories
const int nRepositories = 50;
final QueryOptions options = QueryOptions(
document: readRepositories,
variables: <String, dynamic>{
'nRepositories': nRepositories,
And finally you can send the query to the server and await
the response:
final QueryResult result = await _client.query(options);
if (result.hasErrors) {
final List<dynamic> repositories =['viewer']['repositories']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>;
Creating a Matation is also similar to creating a query, with a small difference. First, start with a multiline string:
const String addStar = r'''
mutation AddStar($starrableId: ID!) {
action: addStar(input: {starrableId: $starrableId}) {
starrable {
Then instead of the QueryOptions
, for mutations we will MutationOptions
, which is where we pass our mutation and id of the repository we are starring.
final MutationOptions options = MutationOptions(
document: addStar,
variables: <String, dynamic>{
'starrableId': repositoryID,
And finally you can send the query to the server and await
the response:
final QueryResult result = await _client.mutate(options);
if (result.hasErrors) {
final bool isStarrred =['action']['starrable']['viewerHasStarred'] as bool;
if (isStarrred) {
print('Thanks for your star!');