These are the instructions to execute the performance comparison tests between Silkrpc and Erigon RPCDaemon.
The following system configuration steps shall be performed:
- increase core dump size
ulimit -c unlimited
- increase max file descriptors
ulimit -n 999999
- check current IP local port range and increase it (writing permanently in /etc/sysctl.conf)
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=5000 65000"
In order to reproduce the environment used in last performance testing session, pick the following source code versions:
- Erigon RPCDaemon:
- Silkworm RPCDaemon (a.k.a. Silkrpc) LATEST:
Follow the instructions for building:
Currently our setup for performance tests is "all-in-one", executing Erigon Core, Erigon RPCDaemon and/or Silkworm RPCDaemon all on the same host. These are the instructions to execute the performance comparison tests.
The shell commands to activate such Erigon Core for performance testing are
From Erigon project directory:
build/bin/erigon --goerli --private.api.addr=localhost:9090
./build/bin/rpcdaemon --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --http.api=eth,debug,net,web3,txpool,trace,erigon,parity,ots --datadir <erigon_data_dir>
./build/cmd/silkrpcdaemon --private.addr --eth.addr --engine.addr --workers 64 --contexts 8 --datadir <erigon_data_dir> --api admin,debug,eth,parity,erigon,trace,web3,txpool,ots,net --log.verbosity 2
You must specify diffenrent ports for Silkrpc (i.e. --eth.addr --engine.addr
) if you want to run Silkrpc simultaneously with Erigon RPCDaemon.
Currently the performance workload targets just the [eth_getLogs, eth_call, eth_getBalance] Ethereum API. The test workloads are executed using requests files of Vegeta, a HTTP load testing tool.
Execute the relevant Erigon bench tool e.g. bench_ethcall against both Erigon RPCDaemon and Silkrpc using the following command line:
build/bin/rpctest bench_ethcall --erigonUrl http://localhost:8545 --gethUrl http://localhost:51515 --blockFrom 200000 --blockTo 300000
Vegeta request files are written to /tmp/erigon_stress_test
- results_geth_debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber.csv, results_geth_eth_.csv
- results_turbo_geth_debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber.csv, results_turbo_geth_.csv
- vegeta_geth_debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber.txt, vegeta_geth_eth_.txt
- vegeta_turbo_geth_debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber.txt, vegeta_turbo_geth_eth_.txt
From Silkrpc project directory check the performance test runner usage:
$ tests/perf/
Usage: ./ -p vegetaPatternTarFile -y <api_name>
Launch an automated performance test sequence on Silkrpc and RPCDaemon using Vegeta
-h print this help
-Z doen't verify server is still active
-R generate Report
-u save test report in Git repo
-v verbose
-x verbose and tracing
-y testType test type: eth_call, eth_getLogs [default: eth_getLogs]
-m targetMode target mode: silkrpc(1), rpcdaemon(2), both(3) [default: 3]
-p vegetaPatternTarFile path to the request file for Vegeta attack [default: ./vegeta/erigon_stress_test_eth_getLogs_goerly_001.tar]
-r testRepetitions number of repetitions for each element in test sequence (e.g. 10) [default: 10]
-t testSequence list of query-per-sec and duration tests as <qps1>:<t1>,... (e.g. 200:30,400:10) [default: 50:30,1000:30,2500:20,10000:20]
-w testWaitInterval time interval between successive test iterations in sec [default: 5]
-d rpcDaemonAddress Erigon: address of RPCDaemon (e.g. [default: localhost]
-a erigonAddress Erigon: address of Core component as <address>:<port> (e.g. localhost:9090) [default: localhost:9090]
-g erigonBuildDir Erigon: path to build folder (e.g. ../../../erigon/build) [default: ../../../erigon/build/]
-s silkrpcBuildDir Silkrpc: path to build folder (e.g. ../../build/) [default: ../../build/]
-c daemonVegetaOnCore cpu list in taskset format for daemon & vegeta (e.g. 0-1:2-3 or 0-2:3-4 or 0,2:3,4...) [default: -:-]
Results are written on output and in case -R option is specified also in a CSV file /tmp/<network>/<machine>/<date_time>_perf.csv