- United States
- http://www.smullyan.org/
icelab / cacofonix
Forked from joseph/onixONIX support for Ruby applications
py-pdf / fpdf2
Forked from reingart/pyfpdfSimple PDF generation for Python
timtylin / scholdoc
Forked from jgm/pandocFork of Pandoc for the implementation of a ScholarlyMarkdown parser
Universal Subtitles
Temporary reusable Django application for adding a DurationField, until Django issue #2443 is resolved.
Django admin CKEditor integration.
smulloni / django-cms-2.0
Forked from django-cms/django-cmsAn Advanced Django Cms
Generic Filters for the changelist in Django Admin
smulloni / pep8
Forked from PyCQA/pycodestyleSimple Python style checker in one Python file
hmarr / mongoengine
Forked from MongoEngine/mongoengine[Moved to mongoengine/mongoengine]
cburroughs / pep8
Forked from PyCQA/pycodestyleSimple Python style checker in one Python file
smulloni / django-positions
Forked from jpwatts/django-positionsA Django field for custom model ordering.
smulloni / python-oembed
Forked from abarmat/python-oembedPython OEmbed library from Google code
dustin / tornado
Forked from tornadoweb/tornadoThis is a port of the tornado web framework to twisted.
richhickey / clojure
Forked from clojure/clojureNOTE: This repo (The Clojure programming language) has moved:
Search for Django. Based lightly on Djangosearch. Currently beta.
Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into a single cached file.
shanecelis / j
Forked from rupa/jsemi clone of autojump (http://github.com/joelthelion/autojump) in shell/awk