This small example illustrates how to use the Closed Loop + CLI for a simple token with denylist.
Given that the CLI is set up, an account is created and has some funds, the following command will publish the contract:
> Environment variables for the next step:
> PKG=0xA11CE...
> POLICY_CAP=0xCA41...
> TREASURY_CAP=0x0D15...
> To apply them to current process, run: 'source .env'
This module has denylist enabled from the start and the denylist is empty. The following commands will show how to add and remove addresses from the denylist.
# arguments: TreasuryCap, amount, recipient
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module reg --function mint_and_transfer \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args $TREASURY_CAP "amount" "0x_recipient"
# arguments: Policy, PolicyCap, addresses (vector)
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module denylist_rule --function add_records \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args $POLICY $POLICY_CAP "[<0xaddress>]"
Here's an example of an address to add to the list: 0x2df4fa8165dd5667f2d0c63f1bab80b81e6db9e16d161facfd77b21e66e612c0
# arguments: Policy, PolicyCap, addresses (vector)
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module denylist_rule --function remove_records \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args $POLICY $POLICY_CAP "[<0xaddress>]"
# arguments: amount, recipient
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module reg --function transfer \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args $POLICY "0x_token" "0x_recipient"
# arguments: amount, recipient
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module reg --function split_and_transfer \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args $POLICY "0x_token" "amount" "0x_recipient"
# arguments: token, amount
sui client call --json \
--package $PKG --module reg --function spend \
--gas-budget 100000000 \
--args "0x_token" "amount"