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Keccak Circuit

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The Keccak hash function

We shall first explain the Keccak hash function to be proved by our Keccak Circuit. This follows NIST Keccak Spec, Keccak Team Keccak Spec and the Keccak256 Implementation in our codebase.

Keccak-f permutation function

Any instance of the Keccak sponge function family makes use of one of the seven Keccak-f permutations, denoted Keccak-f[b], where $b \in {25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600}$ is the width of the permutation. These Keccak-f permutations are iterated constructions consisting of a sequence of almost identical rounds. The number of rounds $n_r$ depends on the permutation width, and is given by $n_r = 12 + 2 \ell$, where $2^\ell = \dfrac{b}{25}$.

We focus on Keccak-f[1600] which has $n_r=24$ rounds. At each round $1\leq k\leq n_r$, input are $5\times 5$ lanes of 64 bit words $A[x,y]$, where $[x,y]\in {0,...,4}\times {0,...,4}$ indicate the lane and the length of each lane is $64$-bit word. We then perform the following operations on $A[x,y]$:

  • $\theta$-step:
$$\begin{array}{rl} C[x]& =A[x,0]\oplus A[x,1]\oplus A[x,2] \oplus A[x,3]\oplus A[x,4] \ , \ x=0,...,4 \ , \\\ D[x,z]& =C[x-1]\oplus \text{ROT}(C[x+1], 1) \ , \ x=0,...,4, \ , \\\ A[x,y] & = A[x,y]\oplus D[x] \ , \ x=0,...,4, y=0,...,4, \ . \end{array}$$
  • $\rho$ and $\pi$-steps:
    $$B[y,2x+3y]=\text{ROT}(A[x,y], r[x,y]) \ , \ x=0,...,4, y=0,...,4 \ ,$$

  • $\chi$-step:
    $$A[x,y]=B[x,y]\oplus ((\text{NOT} \ B[x+1,y]) \ \text{AND} \ B[x+2,y]) \ , \ x=0,...,4, y=0,...,4 \ ,$$

  • $\iota$-step: $$A[0,0]=A[0,0]\oplus RC[k] \ .$$

In the above all the operations on the indices are done modulo $5$. $A$ denotes the complete permutation state array and $A[x, y]$ denotes a particular lane in that state. $B[x, y]$, $C[x]$ and $D[x]$ are intermediate variables. The symbol $\oplus$ denotes the bitwise exclusive $\text{OR}$, $\text{NOT}$ the bitwise complement and $\text{AND}$ the bitwise AND operation. Finally, $\text{ROT}(W,r)$ denotes the bitwise cyclic (right) shift operation, moving bit at position $i$ into position $i + r$ (modulo the lane size).

Cyclic shift offset constants $r[x,y]$ are picked according to the following table

$r(x,y)$ $x=3$ $x=4$ $x=0$ $x=1$ $x=2$
$y=2$ 25 39 3 10 43
$y=1$ 55 20 36 44 6
$y=0$ 28 27 0 1 62
$y=4$ 56 14 18 2 61
$y=3$ 21 8 41 45 15

Round constants $RC[k]$ are also given, in hexadecimal notion it looks like:

$$\begin{array}{ll} RC[ 0] & \verb"0x0000000000000001" \\ RC[ 1] & \verb"0x0000000000008082" \\ RC[ 2] & \verb"0x800000000000808A" \\ RC[ 3] & \verb"0x8000000080008000" \\ RC[ 4] & \verb"0x000000000000808B" \\ RC[ 5] & \verb"0x0000000080000001" \\ RC[ 6] & \verb"0x8000000080008081" \\ RC[ 7] & \verb"0x8000000000008009" \\ RC[ 8] & \verb"0x000000000000008A" \\ RC[ 9] & \verb"0x0000000000000088" \\ RC[10] & \verb"0x0000000080008009" \\ RC[11] & \verb"0x000000008000000A" \\ RC[12] & \verb"0x000000008000808B" \\ RC[13] & \verb"0x800000000000008B" \\ RC[14] & \verb"0x8000000000008089" \\ RC[15] & \verb"0x8000000000008003" \\ RC[16] & \verb"0x8000000000008002" \\ RC[17] & \verb"0x8000000000000080" \\ RC[18] & \verb"0x000000000000800A" \\ RC[19] & \verb"0x800000008000000A" \\ RC[20] & \verb"0x8000000080008081" \\ RC[21] & \verb"0x8000000000008080" \\ RC[22] & \verb"0x0000000080000001" \\ RC[23] & \verb"0x8000000080008008" \end{array}$$

Keccak sponge function

The final Keccak hash makes use of the sponge function, with arbitrary bit-length input and 256-bit output. Implemented using Padding, Absorb and Squeeze as below:


NUM_WORDS_TO_ABSORB = 17, NUM_BYTES_PER_WORD = 8, then RATE = 17 $\times$ 8 = 136. Since NUM_BITS_PER_BYTE = 8 , then RATE_IN_BITS = 17 $\times$ 8 $\times$ 8 = 1088.

Given an input with length counted in bytes, compute padding_total=RATE-input.len()%RATE, this gives a total number of padding bytes. Note that if input length in bytes is a multiple of RATE, the number of padding bytes is RATE but not 0. This means we always do padding.

If the above padding_total is 1, then we pad a byte for $\verb"0x81"$; else pad a list of bytes $\verb"0x01", \verb"0x00", ..., \verb"0x00", \verb"0x80"$ with length in bytes equal to padding_total.

In terms of bits, if padding_total is 1, we pad $\overline{10000001}$ (which is 129 no matter what endian form we take); else we pad $\overline{00000001, 00000000, ..., 00000000, 10000000}$ with length in bytes equal to padding_total. Here the bit representations are understood in big-endian form, so $\overline{00000001}$ = 1, $\overline{10000000}$ = 128. In the Keccak Circuit codebase (see here) we actually use little-endian bit representations, so instead we pad $\overline{10000000, 00000000, ..., 00000000, 00000001}$ with length in bytes equal to padding_total. Here $\overline{10000000}$ = 1, $\overline{00000001}$ = 128.

After padding, the input is extended to be with length in bytes a multiple of RATE, so in bits a multiple of RATE_IN_BITS. This result represented in bits is divided into chunks of size RATE_IN_BITS.


Following the result of padding represented in bits, in each chunk further divide this chunk into 17 sections with length 64 for each section. At the first chunk, initialize from all $A[i][j]=0$, then we perform the following absorb operation: for each of the first 17 words $A[i][j], i+5j<17$, we let $\verb"idx"=i+5j$ and we update $$A[i][j] \leftarrow A[i][j]\oplus \verb"chunk[idx * 64..(idx + 1) * 64]"$$ to obtain output $A[i][j]$. We perform this absorb operation before the 24 rounds of Keccak-f permutation. Then the 24-rounds of Keccak-f permutation is followed to operate on all $A[i][j]$'s where $0\leq i, j\leq 4$. After that we move to the next chunk and repeat this process starting from the output $A[i][j]$ from the last iteration (absorb + permutation). Such iteration is continued until the final chunk (which may contain padding data).


At the end of the above absorb process, take $A[0][0], A[1][0], A[2][0], A[3][0]$ to form $4$ words, each word is $64$-bit. The Keccak hash output would then be the $256$-bit word $$A[3][0] || A[2][0] || A[1][0] || A[0][0]$$

Keccak Hash function Input and Output RLCs

input_rlc (data_rlc)

We are given the Keccak original input in bytes but without the padding bytes in the following order

$$\verb"bytes"_0, ..., \verb"bytes"_{n-1}$$

Then RLC using Keccak input $\verb"challenge"$ (which is after FirstPhase) to obtain

$$\verb"input_rlc"=\verb"bytes"_{n-1}+\verb"bytes"_{n-2}*\verb"challenge"+...+\verb"bytes"_0 * \verb"challenge"^{n-1} \ .$$

In the Keccak Circuit, it corresponds to the column $\verb"data_rlc"$.

output_rlc (hash_rlc)

We are given the Keccak hash output being the $256$-bit word $$A[3][0] || A[2][0] || A[1][0] || A[0][0] \ .$$ We divide each of above $4$ words into byte representation as $A[i][0]=\overline{A[i][0][7], ..., A[i][0][0]}$. This gives $32$ bytes $A[0][0][0..7]$, $A[1][0][0..7]$, $A[2][0][0..7]$, $A[3][0][0..7]$ for $i=0,1,2,3$. Then RLC using Keccak output $\verb"challenge"$ (= the challenge for evm word, i.e., after FirstPhase) to obtain $$\verb"output_rlc"=A[0][0][0]+A[0][0][1]*\verb"challenge"+...+A[3][0][7] * \verb"challenge"^{31} \ .$$ which is the output of Keccak hash's RLC that we use in our zkevm-circuits' Keccak table. In the Keccak Circuit, it corresponds to the column $\verb"hash_rlc"$.

The Keccak table

The whole of zkevm-circuits at the level of super circuit uses the following structure of the Keccak table which contains the following 4 advice columns

  • is_final: when true, it means that this row is the final part of a variable-length input extended with padding, so all Keccak rounds including absorb and permutation and squeeze are done, and the row's corresponding output is the hash result;
  • input_rlc: each row takes one byte of the input, and adds it to the previous row's input_rlc multiplied by the challenge for Keccak input. At the row for the last byte of the input (without padding, so is_final may not be true), this row is the input_rlc for the whole input. After that row, if there are padding rows until is_final becomes true, this input_rlc keeps the same;
  • input_len: similarly to input_rlc, it adds up $8$ bits for each row until the last byte (without padding) which gives the actual input length in bytes;
  • output_rlc: it is zero for all rows except the row corresponding to the last byte of input (with padding, so that is_final is true), where the result is the output_rlc as we defined in the previous section.

Arithmetic for Packed Implementation

The multi-packed implementation for the Keccak Circuit uses special arithmetic called (Keccak) sparse-word-representation, which splits a 64-bit word into parts.

Each bit in the sparse-word-representation holds BIT_COUNT (=3) number of 0/1 bits, so equivalent to BIT_SIZE (=8) as the base of bit in the sparse-word-representation.

A 64-bit word in sparse-word-representation can thus be expressed as a single field element since 64 x 3=192<254.

A pack_table indicates the relation between the standard bit-representation and the Keccak-sparse-word-representation, e.g. map 3 = $\overline{1100}$ (little-endian-form) to 9. This is done by pack. The reverse operation is unpack. So

$$\begin{array}{rl} \verb"pack": & \overline{a_0a_1...a_{63}} \text{ (little endian)} \rightarrow a_0+a_1\cdot 8 +...+a_{63}\cdot 8^{63} \ , \\\ \verb"unpack": & a_0+a_1\cdot 8+...+a_{63}\cdot 8^{63} \rightarrow \overline{a_0a_1...a_{63}} \text{ (little endian)} \ . \end{array}$$

These operations have to go back-and-forth between input (to Keccak internal) and output (from Keccak internal).

It must be noticed that the packing related functions/modules pack, unpack, into_bits, to_bytes etc used inside Keccak Circuit are all in terms of little-endian order (in bits).

The underlying reason why we use these packing and unpacking operations is because of the simple fact that for two bit variables $x, y$ we have $x\oplus y=x+y\mod 2$. This means we can use simple addition then parity to build the Keccak Circuit arithmetic that constraints XOR operation. The pack-implementation helps to avoid carrying to higher digits in the addition. The BIT_SIZE is chosen to be 8 because in the $\theta$-step we need 5 XOR operations so with the least number of bits >5 we must take 8 = $2^3$.


Each part has num_bits indicating how many bits it contains in a sparse-word-representation. Each bit holds a base of BIT_SIZE (=8). So if $$\verb#parts#=[\verb#part#[0],...,\verb#part#[n-1]]$$ in little-endian form then it decodes into a field element with decoded $$\verb#value#=\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}\left(\verb#part#[k].\verb#value#\right) \times \verb#BIT_SIZE#^{ \sum\limits_{i=0}^k \verb#part#[i].\verb#num_bits#} \ .$$


This is a util struict that returns a description of how a 64-bit word will be split into parts. If

  • uniform is true, then target_sizes consists of dividing 64 bit positions into even part_size plus a possible remainder;
  • uniform is false, then target_sizes consists of dividing both the rot (rotation) and (64-rot)-bit words into even part_size but named part_a and part_b plus a possible remainder for each.

The parts split from the word are then determined bit-by-bit from target_size, so that each part will consist of a collection of bit positions that it represents, starting from 0-th bit position. The way bit positions are determined ensures that if

  • uniform is true, then the remaining rot-sized bits [63-rot+1,...,63] are divided by part_size plus a remainder, and first 64-rot bits are determined by a section compensating previous remainder, plus divide by part_size, and plus the remainder from target_size division;
  • uniform is false, then the remaining rot-sized bits [63-rot+1,...,63] are divided by part_size plus remainder, and first 64-rot bits are determined by part_size plus a remainder.

The way we do the above split when uniform is true enables an optimization shown below, where after rotation the front and tail remainders combined together becomes an interval of length part_size:


Such a property is useful in split_uniform, because in that case it can use this specific partition to split an input word into parts and then rotation transform it to an input that will have the same partition layout as the output after rotation operation in Keccak permutations. This enables the same input-output shape so that we can do lookup uniformly on input-output pairs without re-partition (uniform_lookup = true), i.e, splitting up the words into parts, then recombining and then splitting up again. This saves a significant amount of columns.


The module splits a $64$-bit word in sparse-word-representation into parts according to a given part_size using Word_Parts with uniform=false. Each part consists of a collection of connected bit positions (bit_pos from 0-63) that it represents, so it corresponds to a field element (done via pack_part).

$$\verb#part#.\verb#value#=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\verb#part#.\verb#num_bits#} \verb#input#[i] \times \verb#BIT_SIZE#^{i} \ ,$$ where $\verb#input#[i]$ is the (sparse-word-representation) bit value of input at the $i$-th bit position given by part.


The module splits a $64$-bit word in sparse-word-representation into parts according to a given part_size using Word_Parts with uniform=true.

When this module is called, it will use CellManager to allocate a region to store the input_parts, which are to be the partition returned by WordParts. It then merges the split part_size interval that contains 0 into one part with size part_size in the output_parts, while stores the original split input_parts that are divided by 0 as two separate parts.

The returned parts from this module are the output_parts, which are used for inputs in uniform lookup to check relations constrained by Keccak-permutation operations that involve rotations, such as $\rho/\pi/\chi$ steps.


It calls transform_to module to bitwise transform values to cells using a function and constrain the input-output relation using a lookup table.


It bitwise transforms input expressed in parts to output_parts that are in cells using a function f: fn(&u8) -> u8. It constrains the input-output part relation using transform_table, i.e., the (input_part, output_part) must be found in (transform_table[0], transform_table[1]).

Circuit Layout and Design

Keccak specific CellManager

The circuit uses Keccak specific CellManager, which layouts advice columns in SecondPhase. They form a rectangular region of Cell's.

CellManager.rows records the current length of used cells at each row. New cells are queried and inserted at the row with shortest length of used cells. The start_region() method pads all rows to the same length according to the longest row, making sure all rows start at the same column. This is used when a new region is started to fill in witnesses.

It is worth to notice here that the Keccak specific CellManager behaves very differently from EVM Circuit's CellManager (see here), since the latter aligns new cells in a horizontal way instead of vertical.

Circuit Layout

Following this link is a figure showing the Keccak Circuit layout. This figure only shows a $24$ round of Keccak permutation. The actual Keccak circuit iteratively rolls this configuration for arbitrary-length input to do the hash. The most right region is the corresponding Keccak table.

Each row in the table is a KeccakRow, with the following items

  • KeccakRow:
    • q_enable: Fixed Column, bool;
    • q_first: Fixed Column, bool, the first row;
    • q_round: Fixed Column, bool;
    • q_absorb: Fixed Column, bool, absorb row;
    • q_round_last: Fixed Column, bool, last round;
    • q_padding: Fixed Column, bool, selector of padding row;
    • q_padding_last: Fixed Column, bool, last padding row;
    • round_cst: Fixed Column, the round constant $RC[k]$;
    • is_final: bool, previous hash is done;
    • Cell_Values: values in cells which are used in Keccak Circuit's configuration, such as absorb_fat, absorb_res, input_bytes, etc.;
    • length: the actual input length in each round throwing away padding;
    • data_rlc: RLC of input data, after absorb;
    • hash_rlc: RLC of hash output, after squeeze;

The first round of rows must be initialized with dummy values, in particular, set is_final = false.

In the current set-up, the number of rows that each round will occupy is DEFAULT_KECCAK_ROWS = 12. This means CellManager at each region aligns cells vertically to reach a height of 12 before it starts to align cells at the next consecutive column.

The number of columns consumed by each region (with different colors in the figure) shown in the figure is just schematic. In reality this is determined by the size of data to be processed and the part_size, so that CellManager will insert each part into a cell and (vertically) align them.

Spread input, absorb data and squeeze data along with the rounds of Keccak permutation in the circuit layout

Unlike the standard Keccak function, circuit spreads 17 absorb data and 4 squeeze data along with the 24 rounds of Keccak permutation. It uses selectors q_absorb and q_round_last to control absorb and squeeze data related constraints. In the figure the 4 squeeze data are attached at the end of diagram, but in reality this only happens at the last block of the input hash (with padding) so that squeeze will be applied (i.e. is_final is true), and then the final hash result will be obtained. However, each 24-round will record squeeze_from_prev, though they are only needed when the final hash result is obtained.

Use of negative rotations in the circuit configuration

The Keccak circuit has to process variable length input which is divided into chunks, and for each chunk there will be allocated 24-rounds of Keccak permutation. So the Keccak Circuit configuration frequently uses negative rotations to fetch results from previous rounds (such as squeeze_from_prev). This of course cannot be done at the initial round, so in the witness generation function multi_keccak we will assign dummy first rows for 1 round (12 Keccak rows).

Lookup tables used in Keccak internal and the number of lookup bits as part_size

The internal lookup tables in Keccak Circuit are used mainly in transform related modules. These tables include

  • normalize_3: [TableColumn; 2], parity normalize table with each bit in range $[0,2)$;
  • normalize_4: [TableColumn; 2], parity normalize table with each bit in range $[0,4)$;
  • normalize_6: [TableColumn; 2], parity normalize table with each bit in range $[0,6)$;
  • chi_base_table: [TableColumn; 2], for $\chi$-step lookup, $[0,1,1,0,0]$;
  • pack_table: [TableColumn; 2], indicates the pack relation, i.e. 0..256 encoded as Keccak-sparse-word representation;

Since these tables can be used in multiple bits where each bit will do lookup according to the table, e.g. with a number of bits equals part_size, Keccak Circuit needs to determine the optimal part_size for each table. This is done in the function get_num_bits_per_lookup_impl, which determines the maximum number of bits by the condition $$\verb"range"^{\verb"num_bits"+1}+\verb"num_unusable_rows"&lt;=2^{\verb"KECCAK_DEGREE"}$$ Currently KECCAK_DEGREE=19.

Number of KeccakRows needed for one hash

In some other circuits such as the aggregation and compression circuits, there is a need to exactly compute the number of rows consumed by one hash. This can be done by first computing the number of bytes in the input plus padding, and then dividing it into chunks of size RATE=136 bytes. The number of Keccak rows that each chunk will consume is equal to $$\verb"DEFAULT_KECCAK_ROWS" * (1+\verb"NUM_ROUNDS")$$ and with the current setting DEFAULT_KECCAK_ROWS=12, NUM_ROUNDS=24 this number will be 300. The number of chunks is determined by the input length plus padding and is equal to $$\verb"input.len()"/\verb"RATE" + 1$$ So total number of Keccak rows consumed by one hash is equal to the product of the two above.


The normalize tables

normalize_3, normalize_4, normalize_6 are normalization tables that are used to record the parity transformation of a sequence of bits with length part_size with each bit in [0u64,...,range) (range=3,4,6). Parity is taken as 0 for even and 1 for odd.

State data

State data (used to be denoted as $A[x,y]$ in our section on Keccak-f permutation) before and after the Keccak-f permutation are stored in $s[i][j]$ and $s_{\text{next}}[i][j]$ for $0\leq i,j\leq 4$. Each $s[i][j]$ stands for a $64$-bit Keccak-sparse-word-representation (with bits stand for [0,...,7]).


Witnesses filled in a newly started region by CellManager.start_region().


First bitwise add $$c[i] = s[i][0] + s[i][1] + s[i][2] + s[i][3] + s[i][4] \ ,$$ to obtain $c=(c[0],...,c[4])$, so each $c[i]$ is 64-bit with each bit in [0,5] partitioned into parts with Keccak's split module with rot=1, then use normalize_6 table to reduce it part by part to ${0,1}$ parity, denoted by $bc[i]$.

After that, calculate $$os[i][j]=s[i][j]+bc[(i+4)\mod 5]+\text{rot}(bc[(i+1)\mod 5], 1) $$ and set it to be the new state $s[i][j]$.


  • Soundness: Use the symbols in the previous section on Keccak-f permutation function, it can be checked that $C[x]$ is the same as the parity of $A[x,0]+A[x,1]+...+A[x,4]$. So this is what $bc[i]$ checks at the normalize_6 table lookup step. In the same rationale, $os[i][j]$ after normalization stands for the parity of $A[x,y]\oplus D[x]$. This normalization is postponed to $\rho/\pi$-step using normalize_4 table lookup.
  • Completeness: Since $C[x]$ is the same as the parity of $A[x,0]+A[x,1]+...+A[x,4]$, any selection of witnesses that satisfy original $\theta$-step in the Section on Keccak-f permutation function will pass the constraints.


Witnesses filled in a newly started region by CellManager.start_region().

There are 3 consecutive regions for rho_pi_chi_cells:

  • rho_pi_chi_cells[0]: position $[j][2i+3j]$ is rotation of $s[i][j]$ by $r[i][j]$ (as in the $\rho/\pi$-step) saved as parts using split_uniform with rot=r[i][j]. Each 5-cells row counted as 1-column;
  • rho_pi_chi_cells[1]: transform rho_pi_chi_cells[0] using normalize table normalize_4;
  • rho_pi_chi_cells[2]: record the transform $3-2a+b-c$ used for $\chi$-step, will explain in that step.


Lookup in normalize_4 table already gives a constraint. This is for the $os[i][j]$ step left in the $\theta$-step. Further, since split_uniform will combine small parts that are separated by $0$, lookup to normalize_4 of these small parts in a uniform way.


  • Soundness: The normalize_4 table lookup is used for the $os[i][j]$-parity check that is responsible for the $A[x,y]\oplus D[x]$ substep in the $\theta$-step. The other parts of this step are mostly to record values and do lookup range check.
  • Completeness: Same as $\theta$-step, using equivalence of $A[x,y]\oplus D[x]$ with parity of $A[x,y]+D[x]$.


Witnesses filled in a newly started region by CellManager.start_region().


Do $s[i][j]\oplus (\text{NOT } s[i+1 \mod 5][j] \text{ AND } s[i+2 \mod 5][j])$ by lookup table generated from $3a+2b-c\mapsto [0,1,1,0,0]$. The lookup result will be set to be the new $s[i][j]$.


  • Soundness: We have
$a$ $b$ $c$ $a\oplus (\text{NOT } b \text{ AND } c)$ $3a+2b-c$
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 2
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0

So we lookup to table generated from mapping $[0,1,2,3,4]\mapsto [0,1,1,0,0]$.

  • Completeness: From the above table we see that any array of 0/1 bits $(a,b,c,d)$ that satisfy $a\oplus (\text{NOT } b \text{ AND } c)=d$ must satisfy the $3a+2b-c$ lookup table constraint.


Witnesses filled in a newly started region by CellManager.start_region().


Do, for round $k$, the computation $s[0][0]+\verb"round_cst"[k] \ (RC[k])$ and lookup to normalize_3 table.


  • Soundness: This is simply because the parity of $s[0][0]+\verb"round_cst"[k]$ gives the xor result $s[0][0]\oplus \verb"round_cst"[k]$.
  • Completeness: Same as $\theta$-step, using equivalence of $s[0,0]\oplus \verb"round_cst"[k]$ with parity of $s[0,0]+\verb"round_cst"[k]$.



Verify the absorb data in parallel with each round of permutation, so in the first $17$ rounds each round absorbs one word $A[i][j]$ indexed by $i+5j&lt;17$, using $\verb"result"=\verb"state"+\verb"data"$ and then normalize to ${0,1}$ via normalize_3 table.


  • Soundness: Clear from fact that $a\oplus b$ has the same parity as $a+b$ (i.e. normalize to ${0,1}$).
  • Completeness: Same rationale.

Squeeze and hash_rlc


When the previous hash is done: (1) Verify that the hash RLC result from squeeze_from_prev is the same as hash_rlc. (2) Verify that squeeze_from_prev is indeed filled in with the same values as state words $A[0][0], A[1][0], A[2][0], A[3][0]$ to squeeze.

The Rationale of above constraints are pretty straightforward


Use length to record the actual length of input bytes, and pad until total length is an integer multiple of RATE_IN_BITS. On padding rows set a padding selector is_padding to be $1$.


(1) is_padding is boolean; (2) is_padding is zero on absorb row; (3) is_padding changes from 0 to 1 only once; (4) padding input byte starts with $1$ then followed by $0$ if this is not last padding input byte; (5) for last padding input byte, input bytes is $128$ (if not first padding, equals $\overline{00000001}$ in standard bits, little-endian-form) or $129$ (if is also first padding, equals $\overline{10000001}$ in standard bits, this means the only padding is $\overline{10000001}$).

The Rationale of the above constraints is also straightforward following the definition of padding. Only one thing that needs to pay attention: Keccack internal uses byte representation together with Keccack-sparse-word-representation.


RLC uses keccak input $\verb"challenge"$ (same as evm_words challenge).

Update data_rlcs on each of the $17$ rounds where we absorb data based on input bytes. At each round, produce a sequence of $$\verb"data_rlcs[0..NUM_BYTES_PER_WORD]",$$ with RLC iteration at each step

$$\begin{array}{l} \verb"data_rlcs[NUM_BYTES_PER_WORD - (idx + 1)] " \\\ \verb" = data_rlcs[NUM_BYTES_PER_WORD - idx] * challenge + byte_value" \end{array}$$

and $$\verb"data_rlcs[NUM_BYTES_PER_WORD]"=\verb"data_rlcs[0]"$$ which is previous round RLC result, initialized from $0$. This means after each round $\verb"data_rlcs[0]"$ contains the final RLC of input bytes up to this round. This is set to be the data_rlc of the current round, and it is passed to the next round so that after all 17 absorb rounds, we get the final data_rlc for the current chunk data. This is then passed to the next chunk until the last byte of input data, where data_rlc must exclude padding data. So in the final part of the input byte data_rlc will be equal to the corresponding input_rlc in the Keccak table.