The custom more powerful mime-type utility and built-in mime-db.
fork from mime-types, these features added:
- you can load mime-types via
mime = require('mime-type/with-db')
directly mime = new Mime()
business, so you could dolookup = mime.lookup.bind(mime)
.- you can lookup the extension with glob match via
functionality - you can add the mime-type via
.define(type, mime)
functionality - you can add many mime-type via
functionality - you can search the mime-type via
functionality - you can remove a mime-type via
functionality - you can clear mime-types via
functionality .exist(type)
functionality to check whether a mime-type is exist..extensions
will be deprecated, usemime[type].extensions
instead.- All functions return
if input is invalid or not found.
Otherwise, the API is compatible.
$ npm install mime-type
//create an empty mime-type:
import { MimeType } from 'mime-type'
const mime = new MimeType()
//or using mimeType which create an instance and load builtin mime-db directly.
import {mimeType} from 'mime-type/with-db'
//it equals to (you need `npm install mime-db` first):
import db from 'mime-db'
const mime = new MimeType(db)
All functions return undefined
if input is invalid or not found.
Lookup the content-type associated with a file.
mime.lookup('json') // 'application/json'
mime.lookup('.md') // 'text/x-markdown'
mime.lookup('file.html') // 'text/html'
mime.lookup('folder/file.js') // 'application/javascript'
mime.lookup('folder/.htaccess') // false
mime.lookup('.og?') // [ 'application/ogg', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/ogg', 'video/ogg' ]
mime.lookup('cats') // false
Return all MIME types which matching a pattern(See Minimatch).
mime.glob('*/*') // ['application/octet-stream']
mime.glob('*/*markdown') // ['text/x-markdown']
mime.glob('text/j*') // ['text/jade', 'text/jsx']
mime.glob('unknown/x') // []
test whether a mime-type is exist.
It is an alias for mime.hasOwnProperty
mime.exist('text/x-markdown') // true
mime.exist('unknown/xxx') // false
define a new mime-type. the duplicationWay is optional the process way of duplication extensions:
- mime.dupDefault: the default process way.
- mime.dupOverwrite: the news overwrite the olds
- mime.dupSkip: just skip it.
- mime.dupAppend: append the news to the exist extensions.
return the added extensions list if successful or undefined
mime.define('script/coffee', {
extensions: ['coffee', 'litcoffee', '']
}, mime.dupAppend)
mime.lookup ('coffee') //[ 'text/coffeescript', 'script/coffee' ]
remove a specified mime-type
mime.delete('script/coffee') //true
clear all or specified mime-types
the filter could be a string pattern or a function
return the count of deleted mime-types.
mime.clear() //clear all mime-types
mime.clear('text/*') //clear the specified mime-types
mime.clear(function(type, mime){
return type.substr(0,5) === 'text/'
load a lot of mime-types. return the count of loaded mime-types.
mime.clear() //clear all mime-types
'script/coffee': {
extensions: ['coffee', '', 'litcoffee'],
compressible: true,
charset: 'utf-8',
defaultExtension: ''
'script/python': {
extensions: ['py', '', 'litpy'],
compressible: true,
charset: 'utf-8'
Create a full content-type header given a content-type or extension.
mime.contentType('markdown') // 'text/x-markdown; charset=utf-8'
mime.contentType('file.json') // 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
// from a full path
mime.contentType(path.extname('/path/to/file.json')) // 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
Get the default extension for a content-type.
mime.extension('application/octet-stream') // 'bin'
Lookup the implied default charset of a content-type.
mime.charset('text/x-markdown') // 'UTF-8'
A map of content-types by extension.
A map of extensions by content-type.
A map of mime object(IMimeType) by content-type.
export interface IMimeType {
source: string;
charset?: string;
compressible?: boolean;
extensions: string[]|string;
the default duplication process way.
See mime.define
- 4.0.0: nodejs >= 8.6
- use micromatch instead of minimatch. It supports [email protected] above only.
- 3.0.0: nodejs < 8.6