###Chekhov makes actor/message concurrency in Rust easy.
Chekhov is a concurrency framework for Rust focused on simplicity and ease of use. With Chekhov, you can create actors which communicate by message- passing using very similar syntax to writing functions. Chekhov uses a set of macros to create actors and handle threading, so you don't have to. You just define the behavior of actors and compose them together.
Chkehov is highly unstable and incomplete, do not try use it yet. It will eat your laundry and set your house on fire. Pull requests welcome. There's no documentation yet, but here's an example:
extern crate chekhov;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io;
use chekhov::*;
fn print_prefixed<T: Display>(msg: T, prefix: &str) -> Result<(), ActorError> {
println!("{}{}", prefix, msg);
fn read_input(next: &Actor<String>) -> Result<(), ActorError> {
let mut buffer = String::new();
if io::stdin().read_line(&mut buf).is_ok() {
} else { ActorError::Internal("Could not read from stdin.".to_string()) }
fn main() {
let printer = actor!(print_prefixed, ">>> ");
actor_loop!(read_input, printer);
Chekhov is compatible with Rust 1.0.0-beta and up.
Chekhov is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or higher, at your choice, with the Classpath Library Linking Exception.