- Date: 2022-01-04T15:00:00Z
- Call: https://meet.jit.si/solid-data-interoperability
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- Justin B
- Pavlik
- Barath
- Eric P
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- JB
- Pavlik
- Pavlik: Hope to release update that introduces UMA server within a week
- JB: Will that be optional or required?
- Pavlik: Current version of the spec will be somewhat obsolete, but the new one will supercede it. Authorization server will be the one to issue the access tokens. OP will only issue ID tokens.
- JB: Someone from community-server on board to implement?
- Pavlik: Nicholas working on client implementation has been involved. CSS will be next place to get feedback from. For CSS it shouldn't be that hard because it will provide a built-in authorization server. Should only be minor changes. Still need to get feedback though. Most impacts OP and client. So it'll impact the CSS OP. Most of the responsibilities of the resource server are moved to authorization server.
URL: https://github.com/janeirodigital/shapetrees-js
- ericP: was aiming to finish by the end of the year - close but not totally there yet
- ericP: ran into some URL equality issues moving from java to typescript
URL: https://github.com/janeirodigital/shapetrees-java
- Justin: I did a bunch of work to add client side shape tree validation option. So if server doesn't do it client can handle that. People want to work with whatever http client library they want to work with. Our shaptrees library was forcing consumer to use what it provides. Preferably we want developer to enable client side shape tree validation with couple lines of code.
- Eric: There already was a way to use client factory to do it.
- Justin: I updated shapetree-java to expose interface for basic client factory. This ends up letting developer to cleanly plug in their http client.
URL: https://github.com/janeirodigital/sai-java
- Justin: Now it uses discussed above way of hooking to shapetrees-java library.
- ...: I was adding better coverage, cleanup and optimization. I'm almost ready with it.
- Pavlik: What will you do for authentication library?
- Justin: Looking at Nimbus for Java - has DPoP support. Not sure yet how much work will go into wrapping it for solid compatibility, but seems like a good start
- Pavlik: Should also look at supporting updated version with UMA
- JB: Yes definitely - need some implementation available to do that efficiently