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Solid Primitives Context


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Primitives simplifying the creation and use of SolidJS Context API.

  • createContextProvider - Create the Context Provider component and useContext function with types inferred from the factory function.
  • MultiProvider - A component that allows you to provide multiple contexts at once.


npm install @solid-primitives/context
# or
pnpm add @solid-primitives/context
# or
yarn add @solid-primitives/context


Create the Context Provider component and useContext function with types inferred from the factory function.

How to use it

Given a factory function, createContextProvider creates a SolidJS Context and returns both a Provider component for setting the context, and a useContext helper for getting the context. The factory function gets called when the provider component gets executed; all props of the provider component get passed into the factory function, and what it returns will be available in the contexts for all the underlying components. The types of the provider props and context are inferred from the factory function.

import { createContextProvider } from "@solid-primitives/context";

const [CounterProvider, useCounter] = createContextProvider((props: { initial: number }) => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(props.initial);
  const increment = () => setCount(count() + 1);
  return { count, increment };

// Provide the context
<CounterProvider initial={1}>
  <App />

// Use the context in a child component
const ctx = useCounter();
ctx; // T: { count: () => number; increment: () => void; } | undefined

Providing context fallback

The createContextProvider primitive takes a second, optional argument for providing context defaults for when the context wouldn't be provided higher in the component tree. Providing a fallback also removes undefined from T | undefined return type of the useContext function.

const [CounterProvider, useCounter] = createContextProvider(
  () => {
    const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
    const increment = () => setCount(count() + 1);
    return { count, increment };
    count: () => 0,
    increment: () => {},

// then when using the context:
const { count } = useCounter();

Definite context types without defaults:

const useDefiniteCounter = () => useCounter()!;



A component that allows you to provide multiple contexts at once.

It will work exactly like nesting multiple providers as separate components, but it will save you from the nesting.

How to use it

MultiProvider takes only a single values with a key-value pair of the context and the value to provide.

Note Values list is evaluated in order, so the context values will be provided in the same way as if you were nesting the providers.

import { MultiProvider } from "@solid-primitives/context";

// before
<FooContext.Provider value={"foo"}>
  <BarContext.Provider value={"bar"}>
    <BazContext.Provider value={"baz"}>
      <MyCustomProviderComponent value={"hello-world"}>
          <App />

// after
    [FooContext, "foo"],
    [BarContext, "bar"],
    [BazContext, "baz"],
    // you can also provide a component, the value will be passed to a `value` prop
    [MyCustomProviderComponent, "hello-world"],
    // if you have a provider that doesn't accept a `value` prop, you can just pass a function
  <App />

Warning Components and values passed to MultiProvider will be evaluated only once, so make sure that the structure is static. If is isn't, please use nested provider components instead.

