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executable file
192 lines (87 loc) · 5.37 KB



Report on Robot Bomb Defuser Game.

Name and Roll Number

  • Somay Jain
  • 201101054

Code Organisation

I have made following 2 modules-


  • This has the source code which has most of the functions.
  • It governs how the robot movement is implemented, how diffuse codes and mines, bomb are placed.
  • It also takes care of how levels are implemented.


  • This module takes care of the instructions printed on the starting page of the game.
  • It tells the player the rules and the controls in the beginning of the game.

Class decomposition


  • There is one encapsulated class in the main game module.

Use of this class

  • This class is made because it makes the main code encapsulated. The user running the game cannot change the values of variables.

Methods present


  • This method adds a blank window in the terminal with the x, y coordinates, width and height as specified in the class variables.


  • This method configures colors to be used.
  • The colors defined in this method can be used in other methods also.


  • This method adds the robot with a specefic shape in the middle of the window.
  • The shape of the robot can be changed by changing this method.


  • Similar to drawrobot, this draws the enemy robot on the coordinates specified in the method’s arguments.
  • Shape and position of the enemy robot can be changed by changing this method.


  • This method places the bomb, diffuse codes and mines(onwards level 2) in the terminal window on unique coordinates.
  • It also adds the robot and the enemy robot(onwards level 2) by calling the modules drawenemy and drawrobot.


  • This method checks if the robot has hit the bomb or a diffuse code or a mine/bullet.
  • If it hits the bomb, the method returns -1.
  • If it hits the diffuse code, it increases the count and returns the count.
  • If it hits the mine or a bullet, it returns -2.


  • This is the main method where most of the other methods are called.
  • It takes care of all operations in a single level of the game.
  • Wherever the robot is moved, it redraws the robot on the new location.
  • This method also takes care of the pause and exit option in the game. When resumed, the game continues from the last stage before pausing.
  • Also, the movement of bullets is also taken care by this method.
  • For a particular level, it returns ‘lost’ variable, which contains the information that the player wins or loses the present level.


  • This method asks the player if he wants to play the next level if he wins the current level.
  • It returns either ‘y’ or ‘n’, depending on whether the player wants to play the next level or not.


  • This method calls the main method as many times as required (till levels are less than 5 and the player keeps on winning and wants to play the next level)
  • It also shows the final score and status of the level on completion of a level.


  • This method present in the module instructions, prints the instructions on starting the game.
  • The instructions contain the game rules and the controls of the game.


Use of methods

  • The use of methods for achieving small tasks made the code readable and understandable.
  • It made debugging very easy.
  • By using methods, repeatition of pieces of code does not take place.

Use of classes

  • With the use of classes, the code is encapsulated and hence, the player cannot change any parameters in the game.


  • We can use methods such as addscreen, definecolors, drawrobot, drawenemy, check, etc to design a game with a slightly different logic.
  • With slight changes in the ‘main’ method, we can design a game for a different GUI as well.


Program flow

  • For each level, the window is made using the addscreen method.
  • Colors are configured for the window made using definecolors method.
  • According to the level the player is in, the elements are added in the window at random positions.
  • After this initialisation, the keyboard presses are recorded and acted upon by the while loop in the ‘main’ method.
  • When the user presses ESC or hits the wall/mine/bomb, this loop is broken and the procedure is repeated depending on whether the player won or lost, and if he wants to play the next level or not.


  • The logic resides in the ‘main’ method.
  • When the player presses any of the arrow keys, the new location of the robot is decided and it is redrawn there.
  • Also, the characters present on the new coordinates are acquired and feeded to the check method.
  • Depending on the output of the check method, level is continued or stopped.

Extra features

  • Extra features are included onwards level 2.
  • Extra features include -
    • Mines (number of mines increase on advancing levels)
    • Enemy robots and the bullets shot by these enemy robots.
    • As the diffuse codes are obtained, the speed of the robot increases.
    • Speed also increases on advancing the levels.
