1.11.5 (2018-12-19)
- NumberPicker: float bug by chrome. Close #79 (4ac7f41)
- Select: defaultValue with async dataSource (6fd23ba)
- Table: can't find unmounted component (f004b52)
- Typescripts: perfect typescripts (4459f14)
1.11.4 (2018-12-18)
- Cascader: scrollbar style error (04695d9)
- Table: rowHeight changed when resizing useVirtual (aeaf513)
1.11.3 (2018-12-13)
- Balloon: ltr when set rtl on it own (8cc4a8a)
- ConfigProvider: remove warning when not using rtl (f59dd15)
- Form: css hack only in ie9 (f5e77bc)
- Input: loading and hint not cannot occur at the same time (cf97c99)
- Input: padding reversed when select arrow translate 180 (d5e9573)
- Menu: keyboard not blur (dda5a16)
- Slider: dots' trigger area changed from to parent
- (346f684)
- Step: rtl style bugfix (cadfec8)
- Table: Avoid display error when browser scale (b07b680)
- Table: lock columns cant align with whole table when affixed (f1531c3)
- Timeline: timeline-item cannot set className (23754a3)
- Upload: forbid deleting file when upload is disabled (e0936e5)
- Upload: no space between upload and file list (181517c)
1.11.2 (2018-12-06)
- Overlay: fix postion caculate error (d38a78f)
1.11.1 (2018-12-06)
- scss (ac04e9d)
1.11.0 (2018-12-05)
- Select/Input/Message: rtl supported in Select/Input/Message (3bb15c8)
- Affix: implement affix by {position: absolute} (da3e3ec)
- Balloon: support rtl (64522d1)
- Button: support rtl (d863787)
- Calendar: support rtl (d1c1e44)
- ConfigProvider: config-provider support rtl (e91591a)
- ConfigProvider: support set global rtl (622dda4)
- DatePicker: support rtl (2d140fb)
- Dialog: add rtl support (bd3a66e)
- Icon: support rtl (027fa40) (fc5c02b)
- Menu: support rtl (5241d7b)
- Nav: support rtl (923593a)
- Overlay: add rtl prop for overlay (6d77142) (e5630de)
- Pagination: support rtl (d34959c)
- Progress: add color & backgroundColor props (1e9cd94)
- Progress: add rtl support (cbe6747)
- Radio: support rtl (6a906a9)
- Search: add rtl to search (931729a)
- Slider: support rtl (c7416ab)
- Step: support rtl (a0645a0)
- Timeline: support rtl (0f3860b)
- TimePicker: support rtl (310155a)
1.10.3 (2018-12-05)
1.10.2 (2018-12-04)
- CascaderSelect: split of null bug (1afac48)
- Table: maxBodyHeight both accept Number and String (552f747)
- Table: pass affixProps to affix (0540cba)
- Tree: selectable=false cursor:default (66bc721)
1.10.1 (2018-11-29)
1.10.0 (2018-11-28)
- Search: medium search will overflow box when height = s-7 (14dfbb0)
- Search: pass visible into Autocomplete (9fae8fe)
- Cascader: add useVirtual prop, open virtual scroller (769e156)
- CascaderSelect: add useVirtual prop (a2b724d)
- Form: Item support function children (c3ced42)
- Search: divide $search-normal-corner into medium & large variable (3903b5e)
- Select: add item from dataSource to onChange(v,e, item) (ff0405f)
- Select: support virtuallist in simple case (b982efe)
- Tag: add selectable tag theme demos (dfdd536)
- Transfer: Support for disabling panel operations (40f6743)
- VirtualList: add API jumpIndex (2d137e2)
- VirtualList: add new component (29b78f5)
- VirtualList: consider as items of the same height by default (c9576ec)
1.9.21 (2018-11-27)
- Input: bug of value=0 with htmlType=number (0805a38)
- Message: When there are multiple Message, the first can't close (d3004f4)
- Search: left border-raduis not 0 (8713611)
- Select: bug of autoWidth (829f53b)
- Select: bug of autoWidth (b80e4bb)
- Select: bug of onEnter (17e13cd)
- Select: double onKeyDown (4b2e1b3)
1.9.20 (2018-11-21)
- ConfigProvider: Isolate multiple context data (ca4bbd4), closes #43
- ConfigProvider: Update cache in expection (a6c6151)
- Rating: Enhance robustness (6e40724)
1.9.19 (2018-11-16)
- Affix: update postion in didmount (1438cdf)
- Checkbox: Change label type from string to any reanderable (858083e)
- DatePicker: add onChange params type (5c753f1)
- DatePicker: disabledHours no use in time end panel (31e1256)
- Range: Scale tips become hollow on browser zoom (1ed7f49)
- Tab: maxCall exceeded when parent using flex display (c916d21)
- Table: style chaos when head sticky (e952632)
- TreeSelect: 'key' undefined error without treeCheckable prop (ca4afe5)
- Cascader: loadData add argument source data (2ca6a99)
1.9.18 (2018-11-14)
1.9.17 (2018-11-13)
- Breadcrumb: fix use Link Tag no style (503c945)
- Calendar: week words error (674de83)
- Range: Prevent right-button dragging (24b6769)
- Tab: Make bg-color configurable (c353b1c)
- Upload: Upload Card no i18n (27e76b4)
- Calendar: add api to format cell's label (7a87917)
1.9.16 (2018-11-09)
1.9.15 (2018-11-02)
- Select: bug of cacheValue=false (6fce5d8)
- Select: bug of cacheValue=false (bb2acdf)
- Tab: content panel collapsed in vertical mode (9974a22)
- Table: error when lock without header (9081865)
- Tree: error when set expendedKeys/selectedKeys not in dataSource (cd35aa0)
- TreeSelect: error when set value with keys aren't in dataSource (dc8d9e8)
- TreeSelect: show all tree while searchValue clear (c04b3d3)
1.9.14 (2018-10-29)
- Locale: use OK instead of Ok (9782c6d)
- Search: add type for search-simple-dark-bg-opacity (57891de)
- Select: minWidth of popupContent (f6a4883)
- Upload: error fileList not show (87195d2)
- Search: add hover color variables (385ab2d)
- Search: remove search button box-shadow (3713040)
- Search: use hover-color in main scss (14aea57)
1.9.13 (2018-10-28)
- TimePicker: cann't config bg of input (e5cae7b)
1.9.12 (2018-10-24)
- Balloon: in theme platform & range (dd78f6d)
- scripts: unify eslint config (39ced54)
- Upload: add style to reset (b2b78f5)
1.9.11 (2018-10-19)
1.9.10 (2018-10-19)
1.9.9 (2018-10-18)
- Input: input border-radius with one addonText (b5051cf)
- MenuButton: remove box-shadow (6a976ca)
- NumverPicker: remove box-shadow (2c3e29f)
1.9.8 (2018-10-18)
1.9.7 (2018-10-17)
- Nav: primary/secondary active border (4c2c211)
- Menu: Group.Item cant pass custom className (eaf25707)
1.9.5 (2018-10-16)
1.9.4 (2018-10-16)
1.9.3 (2018-10-16)
1.9.2 (2018-10-15)
- Core: wrong path (a94b7d0)
1.9.1 (2018-10-15)
- Progress: progress number bug (8fc476d)
- Next: add dingtalk qrcode to readme (da35dfe)