Build layer:
$ make build/
# for future runtimes, eg: python3.9
# RUNTIME=python3.9 make build/
# to test your build run
$ make test.weasyprint
Deploy layer:
$ aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--region <region> \
--layer-name <name> \
--zip-file fileb://build/
Environment variables expected by layer:
Simple lambda function provided,
it requires BUCKET=<bucket name>
env variable if files stored on s3.
Example payload to print pdf from url and return link to s3:
{"url": "", "filename": "report.pdf"}
Example paylod to print png from html and css data and return png content encoded in base64:
{"html": "<html><h1>Header</h1></html>", "css": ["h1 { color: red }"], "filename": "report.png", "return": "base64"}