This library provides a minimal API for using a datascript database from the Logseq app and the CLI. This library is compatible with ClojureScript and with nbb-logseq to respectively provide frontend and commandline functionality.
This library is under the parent namespace logseq.db
. This library provides
two main namespaces, logseq.db
and logseq.db.rules
See usage in deps/graph-parser
and in the Logseq app.
This follows the practices that the Logseq frontend follows. Most of the same linters are used, with configurations that are specific to this library. See this library's CI file for linting examples.
To run linters, you'll want to install yarn dependencies once:
yarn install
This step is not needed if you're just running the application.
Our rules are linted through a script that also uses the datalog-parser. To run this linter:
bb lint:rules
The package.json dependencies are just for testing and should be updated if there is new behavior to test.
The deps.edn dependecies are used by both ClojureScript and nbb-logseq. Their versions should be backwards compatible with each other with priority given to the frontend. No new dependency should be introduced to this library without an understanding of the tradeoffs of adding this to nbb-logseq.