- Improved error messages.
- Fixed NaN values when video duration is not specified.
- Fixed problem with Google IMA when preload='none'.
- Fixed problem with Google IMA when all ads complete it was starting the video again.
- Fixed bug when auto play is true and a source has been changed.
- Added vgError to notify video object error events.
- Improved buffering API.
- Fixed problems initializing player.
- Some minor code fixes for maintainability.
- Updated grunt files.
- Added DASH plugin for streaming and live streaming in Chrome. This is still beta, but it's awesome in Chrome.
- Updated demo.
- Moved all media files to dropbox.
- Fixed UTC time problems on time display.
- Fixed bindings for native controls.
- Fixed to hide buffering when it's loading content and state changes to stop.
- Fixed to use cursor pointer on buttons.
- Added jquery-event-fix for function
. - Fixed error changing volume with keys.
- Fixed init problem when preload is 'none'.
- Updated docs.
- Updated IMA ads plugin to work with the new API.
- Added resize in IMA ads plugin.
- Updated demo with Google IMA ads.
- Added new API method clearMedia() to prevent browsers download media when player is destroyed or ngRoute changes.
- Fixed bug when autohide is true and user moves mouse wasn't showing the controls.
- Fixed bug when a source is changed but there are no tracks.
- Removed unnecessary scope variable on overlay-play.
- Improved docs.
- Improved demo.
- Added new directive vg-audio.
- Improved performance removing some $apply() calls.
- Fixed initialization problems in iOS, Android and Safari for Mac OS X.
- Added new directives vg-tracks.
- Added new directives vg-loop.
- Added new directives vg-preload.
- Added new directives vg-native-controls.
- Added new diretive vg-video and vg-source.
- Removed events now everything is bindable.
- Added seek by seconds or percentage passing a parameter.
- Added new "timeLeft" property.
- Added seek by seconds or percentage passing a parameter.
- Fixed bug at vg-src in Safari for Windows 8.
- Fixed bug with iOS screen size.
- Fixed bug in vgScrubbarcurrenttime, it wasn't updating the current time.
- Added support for IE11 fullscreen API.
- Added new callback vgChangeSource to change video source or quality.
- Added new stop method.
- Added licenses in all files.
- Fixed some issues related to $apply in progress error.
- Fixed to show icon correctly in overlay-play when a complete event is fired.
- Removed jQuery dependency.
- Added new vgSrc directivo to set by binding a video source.
- Added a new event ON_ERROR.
- Added gitignore, package.json and Gruntfile.
- Now icons are setted as CSS classes.
- Added support for minification.
- Added minified version.
- Fixed controlbar rendering on init.
- Now all plugin HTML templates are embedded in JS files (easier to deploy with bower).
- Improved fixEventOffset.
- Added IMA ads plugin.
- Improved fixEventOffset.
- Now vg-theme it's not mandatory.
- Support for full screen on devices without native full screen.
- Removed
dependencies. - Added
callbacks. - Exposed API with name "API" instead of "vg".
- Fixed problems with stretch mode.
- Improved code quality in link functions.
- Added this changelog.