There are some pretty big features coming (most notably displaying the contents of vim.lsp.buf.hover()). This branch contains all of them. The full development of this plugin has been temporarily suspended due to my ongoing University exams, scheduled to conclude around early March. Until then, I will only be handling important issues. Thank you for your patience!
- Optimization (skip when mouse is not over any code)
- Limit window size when the height exceeds half of the screen's height
- Fix the title sometimes being smaller than the contents of the window
- Display the exact contents of vim.lsp.buf.hover()
- Fix vim.lsp.util.stylize_markdown needing non-readonly and modifiable buffer
- Display "LSP Info" in the whole window (replaced with "# LSP Info" and "---", handled as markdown)
- Fix config.options.detect_mouse_timer being nil initially
- Keyboard workflow?
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