This project aims at learning generic person re-identification (re-id) deep features from multiple person re-id datasets.
We have integrated our self-brewed caffe into external/caffe
, which provides batch-normalization and multi-gpu parallel training. Please clone this project with the command:
git clone --recursive
Apart from the official installation prerequisites, we have several other dependencies: cudnn-v4, openmpi, and 1.55 <= boost < 1.60. You may install them manually or by a package manager (apt-get, pacman, yum, etc.).
Then configure the Makefile.config
and compile the caffe.
cd external/caffe
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
# Configure the libraries properly
make -j8 && make py
Some other prerequisites are
- Matlab (to pre-process the CUHK03 dataset)
- python2 packages: numpy, scipy, Pillow, scikit-learn, protobuf, lmdb
Download the following datasets.
- CUHK03
- CUHK01
- 3DPeS
- i-LIDS (I cannot find the link to the original dataset. This is my previous backup version.)
- Shinpuhkan (need to send an email to the authors)
Link the root directory of these datasets to our project.
ln -sf /path/to/the/root/of/datasets external/raw
Create a directory for experiment data and results
mkdir -p external/exp
or link against another external directory
ln -s /path/to/your/exp/directory external/exp
Convert raw datasets into a uniform data format
Convert formatted datasets into LMDBs
Merge all the datasets together for the joint single-task learning (JSTL)
Note: We use two GPUs to train the models by default. Change the mpirun -n 2 ... -gpu 0,1
in scripts/
to your own hardware configuration if necessary.
Our experiments are organized into two groups:
- Baseline: training individually on each dataset
- Ours: Joint single task learning (JSTL) + Domain guided dropout (DGD)
We provide a pretrained JSTL+DGD model here that can be used as a generic person re-id feature extractor.
Some archived experiment logs can be found at archived/
To train and test a model individually on a dataset, just run the script
scripts/ prid
where the parameter is the dataset name, can be one of cuhk03
, cuhk01
, prid
, viper
, 3dpes
, ilids
Pretrain a model using the mixed dataset with JSTL. The CMC accuracies printed out are corresponding to the JSTL entries in Table 3 of our paper.
Based on the pretrained JSTL model, we first compute the neuron impact scores (NIS) for each dataset, and then resume the JSTL training with deterministic DGD. The CMC accuracies printed out are corresponding to the JSTL+DGD entries in Table 3 of our paper.
At last, to achieve the best performance, we can fine-tune the model on each dataset with stochastic DGD. The CMC accuracies printed out are corresponding to the FT-(JSTL+DGD) entries in Table 3 of our paper.
title={Learning Deep Feature Representations with Domain Guided Dropout for Person Re-identification},
author={Xiao, Tong and Li, Hongsheng and Ouyang, Wanli and Wang, Xiaogang},
We summarize the person re-id datasets used in this project as below.
Name | Reference |
3DPeS | Baltieri, et al., 3DPes: 3D people dataset for surveillance and forensics |
CUHK01 | Li, et al., Human reidentification with transferred metric learning |
CUHK02 | Li, et al., Locally Aligned Feature Transforms across Views |
CUHK03 | Li, et al., Deepreid: Deep filter pairing neural network for person re-identification |
i-LIDS | Zheng, et al., Associating groups of people |
PRID | Hirzer, et al., Person re-identification by descriptive and discriminative classification |
Shinpuhkan | Kawanishi, et al., Shinpuhkan2014: A Multi-Camera Pedestrian Dataset for Tracking People across Multiple Cameras |
VIPeR | Gray, et al., Evaluating appearance models for recognition, reacquisition, and tracking |