hex id hash creation and validation module for phant
Install the module with: npm install phant-keychain-hex
var Keychain = require('phant-keychain-hex'),
keys = Keychain({
publicSalt: 'YOUR PUBLIC SALT',
privateSalt: 'YOUR PRIVATE SALT',
deleteSalt: 'YOUR DELETE SALT'
// generate public, private, and delete keys
var id = '123abcdef321',
pub = keys.publicKey(id), // ewY0EO7B45
prv = keys.privateKey(id), // kPxgpEK91G
del = keys.deleteKey(id); // PEr29DXa6N
// validation
console.log(keys.validatePrivateKey(pub, prv)); // true
console.log(keys.validateDeleteKey(pub, del)); // true
// getting the id from a hash
console.log(keys.getIdFromPublicKey(pub)); // 123abcdef321
console.log(keys.getIdFromPrivateKey(prv)); // 123abcdef321
console.log(keys.getIdFromDeleteKey(del)); // 123abcdef321
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