[Under Construction]
Protein Structural-Class Prediction from Data-Mining
[Semi-Empirical Optimization of Atomic Configuration Energies]
SMS Spam Classification & Natural Language Processing (SVM / Python, MATLAB) (see repository)
Mielke, 2020[Large-Meteor (Bolide) Identification from Geostationary Lightning Data (neural networks/various models / Python)]
[Deep-Learning Data Classification & Multi-Class Hand-Sign Recognition in TensorFlow (various models / TensorFlow / Python)]
[Prediction of Pathrise Fellowship1 Outcomes (various models / Python)]
Insurance Risk Classification (logistic regression / Python)
Sequence-Dependent Modeling & Simulation of Dynamically Superhelical DNA
[Homology Modeling & Monte-Carlo Analysis of Redox and Binding Energies in Novel Biological Photosystems]
[Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Analysis of Photosynthetic Energy-Storage Efficiencies]
Large Hadron Collider (CERN) - YouTube Edit
(Featuring Nobel Laureate, Steven Weinberg)
Steven Mielke, David George
Science & Technology Features, CNN, 2000
Image Credit: www.universetoday.com