Use a partition annotation file, and a time-scaled MCC tree, split the alignment into partitions, fit partition-specific models with substitution rates partitioned into terminal and interior nodes, report the MLEs
Citation: "Combining chemical and evolutionary information to effectively evaluate HIV and SIV genetic heterogeneity and RNA structural conservation within and among infected hosts", by Rife et. al.
Written by: Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond
Contact Information: [email protected]
Analysis Version: 1.00
- Download and install HyPhy ( This script is confirmed to work with v2.3.3 (, but may also work with newer versions
- Run
in HyPhy, e.g.$HYPHYMP /path/to/
- When prompted,
- supply the name of the NEXUS file with partitions specified as CHARSET blocks (see
for an example) - Agree to use the tree in the file or specify a separate tree (in Newick format with branch lengths in units of time)
- supply the name of the NEXUS file with partitions specified as CHARSET blocks (see
- Output is written to standard out as a Markdown text
Loaded an MSA with 443 sequences and 1308 sites from /Volumes/sergei-raid/Coding/pubs/HIV-RNA/hyphy-2.3.3/../data/N01.nex
Read 10 partitions on 1308 sites.
Fitting partition CODON1+2 with 358 constant sites, 94 variable sites, and 47 phylogenetically informative sites
- log (L) -3476.108
- π (A) 0.232
- π (C) 0.228
- π (G) 0.292
- π (T) 0.248
- Internal node rate 0.0000176 [0.0000150 - 0.0000208]
- Internal node kappa 5.863 [4.710 - 7.210]
Fitting partition CODON3 with 126 constant sites, 111 variable sites, and 58 phylogenetically informative sites
- log (L) -3078.507
- π (A) 0.212
- π (C) 0.195
- π (G) 0.266
- π (T) 0.326
- Internal node rate 0.0000330 [0.0000272 - 0.0000390]
- Internal node kappa 7.140 [5.746 - 8.747]
Fitting partition CODON4+5 with 310 constant sites, 108 variable sites, and 48 phylogenetically informative sites
- log (L) -2952.911
- π (A) 0.538
- π (C) 0.107
- π (G) 0.161
- π (T) 0.194
- Internal node rate 0.0000138 [0.0000114 - 0.0000175]
- Internal node kappa 4.997 [3.846 - 6.381]
Fitting partition CODON6 with 116 constant sites, 79 variable sites, and 47 phylogenetically informative sites
- log (L) -2602.324
- π (A) 0.384
- π (C) 0.111
- π (G) 0.130
- π (T) 0.375
- Internal node rate 0.0000335 [0.0000289 - 0.0000383]
- Internal node kappa 32.190 [26.282 - 40.115]