Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞验证功能
Mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing
A Python program to scrape secrets from GitHub through usage of a large repository of dorks.
A python tool used to discover endpoints, potential parameters, and a target specific wordlist for a given target
The Prime Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Audit and Exploitation Toolkit.
Enumerate the permissions associated with AWS credential set
A Burp Suite extension to add OpenAI (GPT) on Burp and help you with your Bug Bounty recon to discover endpoints, params, URLs, subdomains and more!
ScanT3r - Module based Bug Bounty Automation Tool ( use Lotus instead )
An automated target reconnaissance pipeline.
Automated Recon for Pentesting & Bug Bounty
Weaponizing WaybackUrls for Recon, BugBounties , OSINT, Sensitive Endpoints and what not
A hacking tool for bug bounties. Sharing and modifying is encouraged!
A Python based scanner to find potential SSRF parameters in a web application.
spongyB / ParamSpider
Forked from devanshbatham/ParamSpiderMining parameters from dark corners of Web Archives