This smart-contract is a registry of personal claims (meaning every user has to originate it).
Requires Docker.
For development purposes, a full-fledged local environment is provided. It contains a sandbox Tezos node, API, and the likes. To use it:
docker-compose -f sandbox-docker.yml up -d
npm i
Deploy with tezos blockchain via the CLI
node cli/cli.js originate --secret <secret> --url <local node or mainnet url>
To see all possible usages and parameters, you can refer to the CLI's help:
$ node cli/cli.js --help
cli.js [command]
cli.js originate Deploy Tezos Public Profiles smart contract.
cli.js add-claims Add a claim.
cli.js remove-claims Remove a claim.
cli.js get-claims Get claims.
cli.js get-subject Get the subject for a Tezos Public Profile smart
cli.js resolve-tzp Get the TZP address for a Tezos Wallet address.
cli.js resolve-claims Get the TZP claims for a Tezos Wallet address.
--version Show version number [boolean]
-u, --url Tezos node.
[string] [default: ""]
-n, --network Tezos network. [string] [default: "mainnet"]
-f, --faucet_key_file Path to a faucet key JSON file. [string]
-s, --secret Secret key. [string]
-b, --tzkt_base Base url for TzKT API endpoints
[string] [default: ""]
-k, --kepler_base Base url for kepler API server
[string] [default: ""]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
It is recommended to only use TZProfilesClient
const lib = require('tzprofiles');
const kepler = require('kepler-sdk');
const DIDKit = require('didkit-wasm-node');
const hashFunc = async (claimBody) => {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(claimBody).digest().toString('hex');
let clientOpts = {
tzktBase: "",
keplerClient: new kepler.Kepler(
hashContent: hashFunc,
nodeURL: "",
signer: false,
validateType: async (c, t) => {
// Validate VC
switch (t) {
case "VerifiableCredential": {
let verifyResult = await DIDKit.verifyCredential(c, '{}');
let verifyJSON = JSON.parse(verifyResult);
if (verifyJSON.errors.length > 0) throw new Error(verifyJSON.errors.join(", "));
throw new Error(`Unknown ClaimType: ${t}`);
let client = new lib.TZProfilesClient(clientOpts);
return await client.retrieve("tz1...");
The smart-contract code is written in LIGO (under src/
), compiled to Michelson
and embedded in lib/contract.ts