Folders and files
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The files in this directory: ci_tests.pike Creates upper/lower case tests for export.pike Creates a Pike source distribution. extract.pike Locale extraction utility for the locate system implemented in the Locale module. fake_dynamic_load.pike Used by the build process to generate prototype header files to enable dynamic load of libraries on Microsoft Windows. Used by make depend to generate dependencies. install_module Installs a Pike module into a pike module directory. install.pike The Pike installation script, which is run when a Pike is installed. It is also run by when a binary export is made, to assemble the package it later will install. make_ci.pike Creates the file case_info.h during Pike build. The case_info.h file is an optimized version of the case information in the ../src/UnicodeData.txt file. make_interpret_functions.pike Creates the file interpret_functions_fixed.h during Pike build. metatest Utility that permutates over a number of configure flags and compiles and verifies all the produced Pikes. mkpackage.pike Utility for creating executable installation scripts based on Pike. [FIXME: Better description.] mkpeep.pike Creates the file peep_engine.c during Pike build. mktestsuite Generates testsuite files from files during "make verify". mktreeopt.pike Creates the file mktreeopt.h during Pike build. nobinary_dummy A simple script that fakes success for all configure tests when --disable-binary is set. pike This file is generated from the file when make all is built from the top level make file. This script is a wrapper for the latest built Pike binary that adds the posibility to start pike with the optional argument --gdb to run the Pike in gdb. Usage example: bin/pike --gdb program_that_crash.pike --arg arg2 The file from which the script pike is generated. precompile.pike Creates .c files from .cmod files during Pike build. smartlink [FIXME: What does this do?] tarfilter.pike Filters a tar file applying root/root ownership on its contents. test_pike.pike The program that performs the test suite when make verify is run. Generates a Xenofarm result package if run in a Xenofarm build package. xenofarm_gdb_cmd GDB commands that the Xenofarm client will run on any resulting core files once its build and verification is done.