Register, Confirm email, Login, Forgot password and more
Many websites require that their users can Register, Confirm email, Login, Change password and handle Forgot passwords.
Some websites require Role-based Authorization.
Each website often requires different and precise customization of this process.
Flask-User aims to provide a ready to use and fully customizable package that is:
- Reliable (Automated tests cover 97% of the code base)
- Secure (
password hashing,AES
ID encryption,itsdangerous
token signing) - Ready to use
- Fully customizable (Email, Field labels, Flash messages, Form templates, URLs, and more)
- Well documented
We plan to offer the following Flask-User extensions in the future:
- Flask-User-Profiles: View profile, Edit profile, Upload profile picture
- Flask-User-Social: Login via Google, Facebook and Twitter authentication
I've successfully used Flask-Security in the past.
Ling Thio - ling.thio [at]